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Subject: Sad to know.
When I arrived to Westland for first time I was almost sure that I was going to get bored in 3 hours.

Only one thing keeps me here, and that was the bar. Ppl fooling around, and having fun like they were actually there.

When Queen Nadia and King Graywind arrived to the bar you went able to feel their love in the atmosphere, or ceres and steel, mama and ox. Those make me realize that having a date in game was more than a click.

Age: 211 Days

211 days of been and active player. And the only thing that make coming day after day was the desire to com to chat and fool around and have fun with my friends,, and why not to piss of my enemies.

Now your speaking of going back to the way it was... long after I was in here... and i don’t like how it sound.. Cuz it looks like a COLD DISTANT CHAT, like all the chats in this world that I don’t even bother in look.

In my time in here I have always saw Adm in action, correcting ppl if they were going out line I saw several ppl getting banned and jailed... I must tell I'm most that pleased with the work adms do keeping the laws. And I liked the laws and how we worked in chat till now cuz we are smart ppl that know when some one is just joking or some one is really going out law or taking advantage.

Please. I really don’t buy the ...Little kids play this too... I know kids play his game, is the little (like if they were so pure and innocent) the part I don’t buy ...Specially cuz I know the kids this days, specially cuz your speaking about "13 years rated game", do you wanna know the kind of thing I was doing with 13 years old? And guys, that was 10 years ago. Kids now start early than me is freaking scary but I don’t think that we can really do some thing about it. I watch 13 years rated television...The simpsons, Futurama...(I don’t wanna mention about Family guy and American Dad) I watch amines and cartoons that my nephew see.. I see 13 rated movies were I have seen ....MANY THINGS from striping to you know what.

If that’s the real reason why DW Chat is going to do an involution well. I wont say not cuz sound like a pure good ideal, and try to return to innocence is not a bad thing. but I will tell you some thing that I think from the bottom of my heart, Those that support this change under that "cuz the little kids" ground are just being naive.

I was expecting so much anxious with the idea of the adult chat just to really talk freely (even if i dont think is necessary CUZ EVIDENTLY every person playing this game is mature enough to have good and bads conversations) and this is what we like a sudden cold shower after running 100 laps.

Honestly im afraid to go in chat now. I dont feel i can be sweet and loving with my friends as i have always been with out getting jailed.

Thanking that "Drama stuff to the RP Chat..i dont look that as a good idea" Specialy cus that will annoy the usual RP players that DO amazing stuff in the RP chat, pushing ppl there will just interfere with the good stories, spam the RP chat with simples hugs and hellos between lovers and i just think lowly all the warm that makes DW soo delicious to play for me will be cooling down and at the end I will just start seen this game more like what i really is. A click after click thing that just bore me.

AH and those soooooo serious PPL that "love to have serious conversations with out geting molested by kids and fool with their hugs and jurking around".. don’t be so hypocrites, every single time i have even tried to have a serious conversation (about politics, religion, moral, society, etc) i have been kick out cus you the "So mature ppl are not mature enough to know how to deal with different opinions", So don’t give me the speech that you cant have serious conversations cuz your beeing molested by kids, cuz the real thing is that you just cant have serious conversations cus you CANT have that kind of conversations...Who knows, may be you the "SO mature ppl" don’t know how to have those "mature conversation". In a matter of facts the only realy mature conversations that i have seen in this chat in all my days playing can be counted with the finguers of one hand, and i will mention those.

1st. When Yuma's Wife had an accident, he was needed of his firends to cheer him up and help him to get trhough this. And Gess Wath Mature PPl. Most of the Kids you are talking about gave the best coments.

2nd One about how filtring may be good for relations ships.. Some how it Ended with Twili not crying and talking about her low selfconfident issues.

3rd Same day and concecutive to the other, i was so happy to see mature 2 talks that day about 2 different issues, The one about all ppl in chat that day showing to twili that she is stronger that she think she is...and she can get even stronger and how..many ppl were sharing personal troubles that day.

4rd One between me and blaze about our personal life issues that started in chat and then we toke to mail.

Sadly in all my days those are the most mature topics that I have seen in chat with mature conversations.

I have seen many intents to make mature conversations failed...but not due a kid hug, or some kid making jokes, failed due the closed minds of the "SO MATURE" that can’t even take a different opinion. Some how all those conversation make some one get pisst of and start to talk aggressive and then the Staff, efficient as always have been came in and to cut the problem from root ask to change the topic.

I really don’t know how was the things before, but I know they got to be how they are now due a simple reason, ppl need to express them self freely not backwards, even the kids need to.

If you wanna do all the drastic changes may be you should go for Eliminating the bar too. After all we are allowing and promoting the kids drinking booze in the local bar. Better idea... lest eliminate the quest in the DF you know witch one. The one of the girl that sells “Special services”...

PPl..realy I cant deal with changes, things are going to be now the way they were cuz appears to be that the majority support the decision, I will stay a while more to see how this changes are for real, And make fun of you and your mature conversations about… What? Games, Music, silly chats about the products you buy and the same things you did in the week, your routine and how streets you are about it.... PPl are sooo mature that scare me out.

Lest see if going back was really for the best. Like you can see, this post is not about me complaining for the changes, is about me complaining about the reason that some of you use to base your "Yes go for the change", And is about me making fun of those "so mature that live lying to your self pretending to be SO Mature" And is about me doing an experiment.

And I don’t think that those "SOO MATURE" PPl will take the time and will have the patience to reed to this point. Just cuz the reality is that to those ppl, the opinion of the others that don’t agree with them is worthless. But hey! All is part of my experiment; this is me messing with your tiny brains "SO Mature PPl"

Time Posted: May 16 2011 09:35 pm EDT
Last updated: October 1 2011 11:12 pm EDT


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