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The Raven
Posts: 127
Status: Baron

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Subject: joined...
"Hi, my name is Raven Wolfwood. I'm this guy's sister and I am a thief." Raven introduced.

"Pleasure to meet you." Nami said, holding out her hand.

Raven shaked it and one swift motion tried to pull Nami's money bag but noticed that she didn't have one even though she had seen one a minute ago.

"Looking for this." Nami said, holding a money bag.

"Yeah, I guess so." Raven replied.

Raven looked down and noticed her money bag was gone. She looked up and saw it in Nami's other hand.

"How did you...?" Raven asked, bewildered at how Nami could steal from an expert thief.

"You have to be faster and more silent than your opponent." Nami replied, handing Raven her money bag back.

"Something isn't right about this. She's too fast to be human." Raven thought her mind.

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Time Posted: October 27 2008 09:19 am EDT
Last updated: November 4 2008 12:30 pm EST


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