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Subject: Response
Look guys, if you think about it......its not so bad, especially for ppl who know and play play hi lo. When it comes on, you could win millions within a couple minutes, but then only lose 1/1.5 mil per day. Not only that, the amount you lose (for somewhat high betters) in hi lo is A LOT more then 1/1.5 million. So stop complaining and just live with it.

These updates are to HELP the game, not ruin it. Potions prices increase and cause more people to want spend money on the game to become stronger.

Lumbering is to stop ppl from not playing the game. Ppl won't want to lose a lumbering lvl which they've worked really hard on so they will log on more and play the game instead of saying "Oh hey, i think i'll stop playing for a few days cause i feel like it."

Bank taxes, to tax all those big money savers out there, which are so rich and powerful....most of them hold it in hand with a beef stew or hunters tricorne. Like i said up there about the hi lo thing, taxes are NOTHING compared to etc etc.

Clan vault size, to stop ppl from putting there gold in clan vault to avoid new bank taxing. Spending a medal to increase vault size is gonna cost.

Personally, i'm perfectly fine with the way these updates are now. (Interesting Updates Felt! KUT"good"W The potion thing is slightly sad, but updates add spice to the game whether bitter or sweet. I'm sure you all will get over it someday p*****s Its not that bad really.

Time Posted: June 16 2011 02:38 am EDT
Last updated: June 16 2011 04:42 am EDT


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