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Subject: i am starting a gambling pool on Mutt return.
this is how it will go. it will cost 100,000 per guess. each player is only allow ONE CURRENT GUESS. if your guess date passes you can buy another guess for 100,000 gold.the person or people that has the next date i see mutt logged in wins the ENTIRE POT OF GOLD.GUESS MUST BE A DATE AFTER CURRENT DATE< MEANING YOU CANT GUESS THE DAY YOU ARE MAKING YOUR BET AS YOUR DAY. if MORE then one person has that date then the pot will be evenly split among all winners. if you see mutt come on send me an email, date only counts if the judge ME sees it. i will not play as to be totally impartial. i will set up the post to post in the month and date you want. when i get your gold i will post paid and when or if we have a winner i will post that as well then the contest will end.i will also keep a running tap of the pot. i am doing this because i do not think it will be long before we see our friend Mutt again!!!!!!SO SET YOUR BET SEND THE GOLD AND WE WILL SEE WHO WINS AND HOW LONG MUTT IS AWAY!!!!!! REMEMBER ONE PLAYER ONE CURRENT DATE GUESS. MUTTS PROFILE NOW STATES APRIL 15TH. 100% OF POT WILL GO TO WINNER{S}. MAKE SILLY COMMENTS IN PEANUT GALLERY SECTION !!!!!###IMPORTANT@@@ if there is not a winning date{meaning no one has the date of mutts return} the jackpot will be donated to Dark Warriors Training Lyceum in memory of MUTT's return!!!!!!f this happens due to no winners the donation is for the lets train a noob fund.

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Time Posted: April 14 2010 11:40 pm EDT
Last updated: April 17 2010 04:34 am EDT


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