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Posts: 2,662
Status: Lord

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Subject: Active Orithians Report here Please
Well im glad to report that i've reached my goal of 1k energy to use in defence of orithia, right now I have 1172 with rings but hell it works as good for the purpose of the oritan defence.

So now i will cut down on my Outpost raids and I would like not to hit on active comrades in the defence of Orithia.

Unactive ones well, they have to pay the military taxes of the city defence some how as they will still get their nice reward due our effort and sacrifice.

So if you are an Orithian and you are an active player list your name here for a free pass on my Ven and Outpost Raids. As to me is af is you were a clanny.

Althoug I Do will vicit some of you fur a friendly cup of tea and some token cookies every now or then

just as some of you visit me in the ven and outposts too

I Politely ask all those who are not orithian to not trype under this post, as it is not of your interest and has nothing to do with you.

Time Posted: July 17 2014 10:27 am EDT
Last updated: July 20 2014 10:47 pm EDT


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