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Subject: look
the theorem is very complecated but puting it simple bayesian seach theorem uses funtions and probabilities to develope a seach patterns that cover the more probable areas first and the rest later on.

Hypoteticaly ore farm is random and the location is fix. is less probable that the finding place repeat it self so you will do this.

Divide the ore farm in 2 (4 colums and 3 rows), now is a 50% chance that the ore point is in either of them. Pic the oposite side from were you find ore before and start creating an spiral from the selected point.

I could make you a draw if you think it will help you.

Is not exact matematics, it just improves your chances of finding the ore by giving you a organiced method with higher probabilities.

Time Posted: August 27 2013 01:45 am EDT
Last updated: August 5 2014 06:31 am EDT


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