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Subject: How about an Outpost
reset. For those of us who built their outpost years ago before anyone knew anything about them and over built the farms.

You could have it at a cost of a helix or even a sapp and then when its reset, you get like only 50% of the resources that went into building it.

Or you could just have it cost nothing where you get nothing in return.

I wouldn't suggest resetting the level. Just the yard area.

And if you stayed negative on your farms, you could have the little troopers die. Perhaps one per reset? Until the point at which your farm production matches your people.

Another option would be to have a third command on your outpost or tie it to the field to reconstruct the field. One at a time and it takes the same time as it takes to build a trooper you could then to tie up the outpost in this time so that they can not build more troops, or level up their outpost.

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Time Posted: May 27 2012 04:41 pm EDT
Last updated: May 27 2012 04:44 pm EDT

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