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Posts: 5,328
Status: King

Karma: +873
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Subject: Response
Venners - 300AP, 150 helix, 100 sapphires, 50 elms + 10 Gym Trains, Ven Camo Gown, Sparring Gym
Jolly Rodger - 100 Bap, 150 helix, 100 sapphires, 50 elms + 10 fishing casts, Crows Nest
Crooked - 300AP, 150 helix, 100 sapphires, 50 elms, +10 ability, Swindler's Ring, Dark Mug Skill
Excavator - 300AP, 150 helix, 100 sapphires, 50 elms, +10 fatigue, Ring of Leaders, Ruben's Pickaxe

No Signature

Time Posted: February 16 2011 04:45 am EST
Last updated: February 17 2011 02:34 am EST


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