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Subject: First Stop DW Training Lyceum
I decided to go to the Dark Warriors Training Lyceum first. As I thought what better place to start than here.

I must say this was a fantastic idea for the game and must congratulate the people who are running it.

The Lyceum is definatley a must for those starting out in the game, and has been set out well. They have everything under control other than probably not enough man power to fully help everyone, but all in all they are doing a fantastic job with everyone. If your a clan owner or have spare time to go help out I am sure they would appreciate all the help they can get. With the big increase in players numbers joining the game they have their work cut out for them. I for one will go back there to help once I have finished my DW tour.

They have four different training modules set out to make sure you will learn and understand just about every aspect there is to know about this game. Keep in mind though as a new player you will have work to do to graduate. So if you join finish all the modules you will be a good player once you have finished.

On top of this they offer free healing with wizard Ruben and they will help you out with equipment, even better still you get some cool stuff like weekly pocket money, and mineing incentives to become a good miner.

But the best thing about the Lyceum is the wealth of knowledge that has been put into it. Most of the oldest and wisest players have had some sort of input into it. Which means if you join you will be learning form the best of the best in game. This also means you will be given a mentor who has a good knowledge of the game who can help when you most need it.

((This clan best suits any new players who have just joined the game and any older players who wish to help out in the game.))

(Pros & Cons for the Lyceum)

Pros: 1: Has some of the best guides in game.
2:Has had a lot of input from great players so you will learn from the best.
3: You will be assigned a mentor to help guide you through the game.
4: Free healing at wizard Ruben.
5: Help with equipment form weapons to armour ect.
6: Good incentive programs to help grow your character.
7: Weekly pocket money.

Cons) 1: Looks a little daunting with the amount of learning to be done.
2: Some modules need to be revised, in what order to help players grow quicker and smarter towards the game.
3: With the growth of the game more man power will be needed to run the Lyceum. Not really a con towards the clan but something that needs to be addressed and quickly.
4: Again not a con towards the Lyceum or its staff, but its self funded by players as far as I know. We cant expect players to fund this sort of scheme for two much longer some help would be needed from the game administrators to keep the players in the game. In fact I just herd that there has been help offered but was not taken, guys please rethink this as it would help with offering more great incentives for our new players.

Please understand I am not here to rubbish your clans I am simply here to review them and to try and help you make your clan better. I will spend a few days at each clan revising what you are doing and will work with your clan staff to help with any ideas or changes you may want to make. This does not mean you have to change your clan its just some suggestions.

Once again congratulations to the people running the Lyceum program you all deserve a medal for all the hard work your putting in to make the game better for everyone. I just hope that other clan owners in the game realise what you guys are doing for them and see what hard work you guys are all doing.

Time Posted: April 18 2010 09:44 pm EDT
Last updated: May 17 2010 07:05 am EDT


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