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Posts: 1,487
Status: Duke

Karma: +232
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Subject: let's have fun
they should make it harder to level up our boats, just like the lumber mill but harder. there should be no cap on boat levels cuz it takes the fun away. let's say we both on our L-boats and maxed out on levels and u stronger, there's no point in me fighting u nomore cuz i can't imprrove myself to fight back. instead of them just making seafare for fishing, they make it for battles too with no end in sight to how strong u can get, just like on land. if they do take the cap off then that's when u and i can really have some fun and everyone else also. hopefully there's more people like us who loves to battle on sea and maybe that's when they'll change it

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Time Posted: March 10 2010 08:46 pm EST
Last updated: March 11 2010 01:53 am EST


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