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Subject: Honor Spectra and lend option
This person seems to be funny, helpfull, insightfull, creative, a bit agresive but is a great venner and some ppl think he is a bit of the spamer.

But can he be trusted?

How about honor spectra, a spectra that wont be given easily, it has to be gained by honorable actions like giving back items borrowed in time. Living to his word.

It could be like karma, but this one is just to show to others if he can be trusted or not.

This points should be given by staff members only.

Also we need a lend option, intead of giving, is simple, I lend this item for lest say 30 days and at the end of those the item will automaticly return to me if not returned before time.

Time Posted: January 10 2014 09:21 am EST
Last updated: January 12 2014 09:00 am EST


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