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Subject: Outpost, Jousting and more...
Some more ideas for you, from your anonymous tipster. Who shall still be remaining as such until he decides otherwise. Make of them what you will.

Due to requests, the ideas presented have been separated into multiple posts aside from this one. Scroll down to view them.

1. Change to outpost
For too long people have been complaining about massing units bug on the starting field in outpost and no matter what we think about it, it is a bug, units can’t stand one on top of the other. Players that knew about this bug exploited it severely and those that didn’t left to lose their tokens by bug abusers. Unlike characters, where one can reset stats, or buy elements, there isn’t much that can be done with outposts. This can be solved by new type of outposts (once showed when the rebuild was talked about), or if that is out of the question we can have some sort of option to either destroy single buildings, or reset entire outpost (like some sort of reset token bought in GC shop). In case of reset outposts, players will ask for some compensation and we think it should be given in tokens, because stealing tokens will get a new dimension and those that do manage to buy drinks with returned tokens will impact ore market. Also this will result in outpost clan wars, so maybe some sort of outpost search (like ven) could make things more interesting.
This part is really important for further changes (usage of platinums in outposts and daily gifts), but even if other changes are not implemented , this will cause new type of war, clan outposts war and war is good for trade. In other words player will want ways to improve their outposts, why not sell it to them?!

Outpost lists. The current view of outposts to attack is a lot of pages, but a player once learned of the locations of the best outposts to attack can easily navigate to that outpost. A new way would be a random list of 50 outposts generated when a player enters into the outpost. This will expose a greater number of people being exposed to outpost attacks, improving warfare among players. Subsequent entering into the outpost produces a fresh attacking list.

Outpost soldiers. The introduction of soldiers that affect 4x4 squares and 5x5 squares at higher levels. This will encourage people to level up their outposts to get more tokens each revive. Also add in the ability to get better defensive/offensive troops say cannons, these can be expensive and only affect 1x1 square for token purposes but offer the ability to boost the defensive/offensive power of the players outpost. These cannons could be improved with the use of platinum and ore.

Outpost attacking. Currently the system is turn based and players have 10 turns to attack someone’s outpost. Change this to each attack uses 5 energy. This means the higher-level players are able to attack more and potentially win more fights. But this also gives the ability to have an OBR (Outpost Battle Ranking) too. With the introductions based above and the potential for tokens to be flying all over the place, food being bought to protect tokens (and lack of that ability too, see below). This would create a very dynamic environment that adds to the challenge imposed upon the players, ensuring they have to think, plan and strategise there energy consumption even more

Outpost war team.
This is a series of specialists that can be called upon to different effects, such as mobile attacking, cannon defense, forward mass assault, archery defenses, sappers, night time sneak forays, harassing, siege tactics. The more of these various types the better, this will then link into the population of the outpost and also be linked to size aswel. The larger the outpost the more of these specialist an outpost can have. So at outpost lvl 1-10 outposts can only have one specialist loaded on the panel (they start with the mass assault) at outpost lvls 11-20 they get 2 slots on the specialists panel open up an so on. The specialists can be found for the more basic ones and the more exotic ones can be bought for gcs.

Each specialist card would have an effect upon the outcome, improving one specific area of the battle system. Obviously the more cards the greater the felxability of the outpost for attack and defense, the greater the level the better chance the outpost has at surviving. If an outpost is attacked and the system finds there equal, then the siege system is employed, this ties the outposts up, depleting food stores, exhausting the workers, preventing tokens being made but steadily depleted

Thoughts? Anything to add, or improvisations to said ideas?

Time Posted: June 1 2012 09:17 pm EDT
Last updated: June 1 2012 10:58 pm EDT


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