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Subject: CLan Massacre
OK guys im realy bored of the futility of the VEN... click click click.. Yey we won x medals at the end of the mont.

In a real war you die once you get KILL, end of your story.

If your city is defeated you have to rebuild it.. with the survivors.. if they are enough.

Most of the time once a clan is defeated the wining clan takes their land and resourses.

SOOOO here is my idea.. and this may bring me back to playing active in the ven again.

ONLY the top 10 clans survive in the CBR, if your clan dont manage to be in the top 10 gets disolved, and the resourses you have in your baults get divided to the winners.

IF your clan does not make it in the top 10 CPR your fleet (navy) is distroyed, the price of the ships that are distroyed goes to the victorious pirats, also the BAP go to the clans to be distributed as they want amon their victorious navy.

What hapend to week clans, or rp clans who dont ven, or just inactive clans?

Those clans may Pay for the protection of a superior clan, if the superior clan make it to the top 5 the lower clan survive. A strong clan declares who will be protecting... it will take all the ven/ship loses of the other clan as it own X2 (cuz defending is more dificult than attacking).

If the protector clan does not make it to the top 5, the little clan is distroyed, and the protector one has to kick out the 25% of their soldiers for 7 days (those were lost in action )

If the protector clan does make it to the top 5 it gains a special price for HEROIC CLAN, its Warriors gain a new trophy of War Hero and a price in Loyality point for each of those warriors.

As you see, this idea does not require to much Upgrades or any thing.
Even if Felt does not help in developing it, and you guys like it, we may made a players Agreement and put it in practice. From my ppoint of view this will bring a HUGE exciment to the game, great adventure, sent of honor and comitment.

For those clans that have enemies is a good fare way to eliminate those they hate.

It also will bring great economic movement, plats will be usefull again to recontructs distroyed clans.

The week clans ho dont ven at least will have to make money to pay for protection.

Spenders will spend more to fortify their clans so they dont lose all their money put in BAP.

LOts of sapps will be spended in BAP and also once they run out of it it will come back to real Pirat fights.

CBR and CPR go separated here, a clan may shose protect another in the land but not in the see.

Trades will be made betwen clans, with money and resourses.

Eventualy it may lead to the gathering of all the active players in few clans (like in scotland that only had 6 clans).

the price of protection may be declared, so felt may concider the reward for the protector, for example a clan that decide to protect a very week clan for free... thats HEROISM, like the 7 samurays.

Like i said, this idea does not require to much upgrades, and if Felt dont help we may agree to make it work some how just to spice the things up.

I realy think is time to make a change like this, if there is no thing to lose, the motivation is lost.

But i would totaly fight for the right to be with my friend in the same clan, for the glory of protecting the weeks and needy and for the plasure of distroying my enemies. What say you guys?

Time Posted: January 24 2012 12:17 pm EST
Last updated: January 27 2012 04:30 am EST


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