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Status: Duke

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Welcome to the Black Tower. This is where the most promising students of magic come to improve their arts and dignitaries from all walks of life visit. Before you enter - a quick guide:

Floor 1: Guard room and training salle
Floor 2: Lounge and reception
Floor 3: Dining hall
Floor 4: Study room
Floor 5: Library
Floor 6: Guest and student quarters
Floor 7: Master bedroom

A few notes:

Though the surface description names the dragons for statues, rest assured that for a mage that is only a temporary condition. A simple incantation and they will quickly revert to being my mother-in-law.... ahem.... i mean their dragon form, for defense of the domecile.

Throughout my dwelling you will find the traces of my arts - scrolls full of incantations and chess boards to focus the mind.... We play an odd brand of chess in DW - with a 7x7 board instead of the traditional 8x8, but still it helps to focus the mind.

You will also find traces of my paranoia - balistas aimed at doorways and dragons guarding key floors. I follow the motto: "Never tempt an honest man." So instead of leaving wealth and an unprotected home, i make the concession of having weaponry and beasts to defend what is mine.

If however you come seeking knowledge and friendship, my tables overflow, and the wine goblets are never empty. There is a soft bed waiting in the guest quarters, and a library worthy of any wizard waiting for those who seek wisdom.

please also note - I have tried to pay attention to light sources and prevailing perspective wherever possible within the format of the game.

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Time Posted: September 20 2011 04:28 pm EDT
Last updated: September 29 2011 07:31 am EDT


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