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Subject: Guys...
dont get me wrong.. I know is important to protect our kids from the many visious bastartds that are arround. I think the staff do a great job now and whould keep doing it, maybe staff should be most present always present intead of lurking, hunting for treads, that would make parents happier and chat safer,

Yea, amy be the lick stuff is way to much, or some stuff that are realy sexualy implied, But whats so wrong about hugs, a bit of rp (im not speaking about make a full comvertation, but like the kidn of stuff i usualy do, like dancing, hiding behind ppl, be cruel with Link and Link been cruel back, we have fun been mean to each other it make us stronger and we have fun cuz we know is joking.

personaly i havent saw anything realy out of line in here, no thing that make me get worry about some one safefty, everi thime a Idiot like that have came to chat have been kick out in metter of seconds,

About some picks and stuff i dont see any thing that kids arent alreade seen in the strees in theyr way home or in their TVs and PC.

Butt hey, im just one opinion, like i said this is also an experiment.

Chat seems really boring and this is just day 2 with the new the chat is for me just a gambling room, and like i dont gamble i stay out.

Conversation now are pretty much the same crap that always were, just that now there are no kids runing and charing theyr warm afective spirit.

Like my Ingame sis, says is hard to deal with diferent cultures, you nort ppl live in the coold all the time, i get it also freeeze your blood and no wonder you find natural been distant and less afective,

Latins are ppl with hot blood in their veins, we spread happines and love every ware we go, we are more expontanius and desinivited than most of nort ppl, no wonder we are also better dancers. You get streess sickness from a soo stiff life and living distanlty, we dont get so stressed about any thing cus he have hugs and friends that know how to shake our trees with love and happines and take away all the sad stuff.

Phycology have proven that humans been are needed of afection, I love to show my friends how much i aprreciate them by hugging them when i have a chance, Pat their backs if they are getting to worry about some thing or even shake them if they get to scared. I make them songs, i play them songs etc... the most easy way to do that in chat is by rping it.

Now you say i cant do that..the use of the /me is not clear to me cuz if we cant hug or pat of do nothing and we cant use the /me to have converstation...What is the /me used for now? to say /me arrived to chat?

But hey.. you all seems very happy with the changes, at least the majority.

great thing we apply democrazy we stick to the most and the others can go to hell.

keep going further with this and try to reazon with you to make you realize that the change is to way radical for no reason is futile..

I realy dont know how rational ppl cant she that a little afection well controled is harmless, but homosexuals freely marriend and adopting kids seems to be great and good..

Cant you see that that kind of stuff is the one messing with kids heads, i meet a girl the other day, 9 years, and she think that she is a lesbian, when i ask her why she said she dont like kids cuz they pull her hair, and girls are nicer to her.. and she also told me that her school theacher is a lesbian and she and her date look realy happy.

well..that for me is far mor disturving and sick that the ppl huggers in chat.. but hey.. we cant discriminate about sexuality even if their mere presence is disturving and confucing our kids sexuality..

WTG ppl!!! we are doing it soo right.

We can be free to have do stuff with ppl of the same sex let homosexual take care of kids education by adoption and respect that.. But we must kill hugs in chat cuz is soooo way wrong.

lollollollollol your sent of reason and priority amuse me ppl.

we claim to be free and opend mind for some stuff and then others cant be done.

Society is sooo much sick with hipocrezy that make me dizzy some times.

Time Posted: May 17 2011 01:28 pm EDT
Last updated: May 22 2011 03:39 am EDT


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