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Posts: 5,328
Status: King

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Subject: PCC
I know this idea has been suggested already and just like ores before the OCC they are losing their value!!
So if we had a PCC plats will start being worth something again and can even be useful to new players who want to boost their stats etc.

Maybe not something EXACTLY like the OCC, but perhaps something similar? Maybe it could give random boosts of +1 - +5 stats, abil, energy, and maybe even chances of getting an element! (that would be VERY slim of course) and sapphires and helix like the OCC.

Perhaps the PCC could be EXACTLY like the OCC but with better gains! Since plats are worth more than ores.

Just a little suggestion

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Time Posted: January 19 2011 08:23 pm EST
Last updated: January 29 2011 06:11 pm EST


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