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Subject: who are weak players?
i disagree with your scathing remarks about who weak players are... there are people here who have been on every day and enjoy the game immensely but have never paid money and are therefore weaker than people who have been here for a week but have dumped money into the game...

your sweeping generalisation of players who are less strong seems a little narrow minded!

you dont think that perhaps if there was a good prize about it it could work

if you beat the protector you could also beat the protectee giving you double CBR points or something like that... it could be fun!!

EDIT: this post looks aggresive and whiney and im sorry but i can't think of a better way to word it!

Time Posted: August 20 2010 05:13 pm EDT
Last updated: August 20 2010 07:44 pm EDT


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