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Subject: First Lance
The Queen

Of all the children Queen Wykoru, Tokken was certainly the one most protected by his mother. "He is so small and weak" she used to say when King_Robskill would bring him to the jousting arenas. It was not that she loved Tokken more than her other children. Wykoru has always been such a loving mother that she not only had enough for her children, but all the children of the kingdom. However, anyone could say that Wykoru cared in a special way for Tokken. Her eyes would have a light which emanated memories of a past she lost in time. Most thought that Tokken had gained his mother attention because of his magic tricks, jokes and shape-shifting (which he learned from the queen herself), but there was more to it then anyone knew. Maybe only Queen Wykoru would have the answer for that riddle. But it had been left in the past, for she would deny it when one would question the reason of her special care for Tokken. Tokken had grown up, although in the eyes of his mother he was still the little weakling whom she used to protect from the world around him.

One night Tokken had come to his mother saying that he had met someone and that was the girl of his life. Queen Wykuro did not pay much attention when he explained that he would have to join a tournament and win in order to have the honor of marring such a girl. Queen Wykuro knew that the heart of her son used to shift as easily as he could do with anything else. She did not mind him in a tournament or in love one silly girl that would eventually end up as all of his jokes. Nope, she had nothing to worry about. But then, he came back one week later, after dinner when she had already retreated to her room. The jolly face of Tokken had changed in to pain.

"Mother, I have to ask you something important" she remembers him saying.
"In order to win the tournament I have to Joust again" The words pierced the queen's heart as a two edged sword for Tokken had promised never joust again ever since he had almost killed his best friend.
"Mom, I have never broken promises to you and I would not do it even if my life would depend on it. But, she is the one, Mom." The queen would have refused to allow her son such blasphemy to his old friend, but her son was changed that night and for the first time she saw that he was no longer the boy she taught butterfly, bees and frog shifting. He had become a man and that man had his head down ever since he had entered her room.
"Look at me my son" she said. And this times she wished that he had never made such a promise, for when Tokken raised his head the queen could see the reason he had kept his head down for so long: tears covered his face, the tears of someone who was burned by the decision he was about to make. The decision to break his mother's heart and to betray his friend in order to join the Jousting Tournament. That day Queen Wykuro saw, for the first time in her life, her son crying and she could not hold her tears back. "Tokken, my son, I give you permission to do whatever it takes to win the heart of a fair Lady." With those words the queen hugged her son and kept him in her arms for a long time.

The queen sees her son taking position in the lists while at her side Karma_jack awaits excited for the moves of a sport he himself loved so much. Wykoru would not join the event if she had not promised Tokken her presence the night he asked her permission to joust. She looks intently at her son as if by doing so she could actually protect him from any harm as she use to do when he was still a boy. She sees when Tokken touch the head of Lady Em. Karma_Jack also notices the touch for he comments: "It is my move! He is going to use my move!" the queen hold the hand of Karma_Jack in search for support or maybe to stop him from jumping.

The queen feels the terror of a memory coming back. She knew what her son would do, for this move had caused the accident with Jack. Jack had practiced it a thousand times with Tokken. He would touch the head of Lady Em as if telling her to move straight forward as fast as she could for there would be no change in her direction. And she would go faster and steady as an arrow shot from a long war bow. Jack would hold his lance slightly down close to his body to help in the aerodynamic of the move. The lance would be inclined upward in a small angle which kept the lance sustain by the air due to the speed his horse during the run. When at the distance the lances meet Jack would block the lance of Tokken, taking advantage of the angle his own lance had assumed. Finally, at the moment of shock: Jack would incline his body forward, directing the lance to the shoulder of Tokken and extend his arm for the final blow. Thousand of times Tokken had been unhorsed by that move and other knights had followed the same destiny. But that move had shown dangerous through the hand of Tokken as the destiny seemed to have tricked the joker.

The day the accident happened Tokken directed his lance to the head of Jack for he thought it would be fun to see his helmet off for once even if that would cost him to fall again from his horse. And so he did, he directed the lance to the head of Jack which in turn kept the formality of his move. Tokken had been unhorsed once again and jack was kept on top of his loyal Lady Em… But Lady Em was running at such speed and the 'Jackal Move' as they called it had created such a great impact that the final blow for both knights had been enormous. Tokken had received the impact to his body but jack had it in his head. From that day, his vision was never again the same.

The queen had seen it happened and today she feared it would happen again. Wykuro was brought back from her memories when Jack moved to stand as Lady Em was already in high speed. As she looked at Tokken on his horse and in his armor she could see Karma_Jack and in her heart wished that it was indeed him in the lists - not just to protect her son but because Karm_Jack was much better in it. She knew though that it was not possible since Karma_Jack was there holding her hand while shouting in support to his friend. She could not take it anymore and just a second before the impact she closes her eyes and hides her face in the shoulder of her husband, who had been there watching all along as if indifferent to the what would happen. The Queen heard the impact but she rather not know what happened; she searches for silence in the darkness but she can not find it. She cannot avoid the fact for it has happened; she opens her eyes and looks at the lists...

Time Posted: September 13 2009 04:32 am EDT
Last updated: September 13 2009 04:32 am EDT

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