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Subject: The days temptations
Nadia arrived at the pub for her afternoon drink. Upon entering, Skalana appeared in front of her saying that needed to have a chat. Nadia thought for a moment but was distracted by the arrival of her brother Zaos. Nadia joined her brother by his side so that Skalana couldn't tempt her to release that which was deep within her. Skalana could tell that his tricks that he had tried in the past would not work on Nadia and decided to invite her to his castle for a friendly talk.

Nadia agreed to meet Skalana at his castle but was very cautious as she entered his castle. But her warning system had failed her for as she entered, he locked his castle tight. She was trapped inside and at his mercy.

Zaos, realizing that his sister was in danger, went to Skalana's castle and sent his prayers to his sister once more. Nadia could feel the light being sent to her and again embraced it.

Inside Skalana's castle, Nadia was led to a room to where He was waiting. He offered her a drink but her body would not allow to to take it so she told him no thanks because she wasn't thirsty at the time. Skalana told her that he could sense a little fear in her but she assured him that there was no fear in her.

Skalana knew that he had fail yet again and left the room only to leave a small bowl of blood on the table. Nadia could smell the blood and fought her urges once more and quickly left the room and headed home to her castle.

Time Posted: March 27 2009 02:34 am EDT
Last updated: March 27 2009 02:34 am EDT

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