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Subject: BrotherIron's description
Name: BrotherIron
Sex: Male
Race: Human
Age: 25

Height: 6'4"
Weight: 210
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Dark Brown
Color of the skin: Tanned
Built: Lean but muscular
Personal Traits: Loves humor, laughing, jokes and believes in the healing power of humor.

Origins: Born to a family in the grip of abject poverty, BrotherIron was given as an infant to a group of warrior monks. Raised by the Brothers of the Iron Fist, he learned the warrior arts of the monks as well as the meditative aspects of their faith. Due to an inborn wanderlust BrotherIron went wandering on an enforced pilgrimage to find new battle techniques, and soon found himself in the Westland.

Occupation: Acolyte

Special Powers: The Iron Fist technique and making people laugh.

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Time Posted: December 11 2008 09:47 am EST
Last updated: December 11 2008 10:28 am EST


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