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Subject: unnecesary clicking
Hi ... soo many tabs at all times necesary and soo many clicks to do everithing arround here is really annojing and unnecesary and i bet it even slow down the game so here are some ideas.

1 click lumbering for everybody,

2. Optional battle logs... Please, hide the homongous logs and make it optional to see or not to see. All I need from a battle is the resoult if I win, and if I lose then i will care about how did i lose. But so much garbage info constantly enterin my brain cannot be good for one.
3. I log of outpost raids like "Your outpost was attecked... by.. x times .. you lost a total of y tokens.
4. End of the mont wages and dweling. (let the rents acumulate on daily basis and 1 single day to collect, at the end of the mont.
5. I click training every ware.

Time Posted: August 14 2014 11:48 am EDT
Last updated: August 19 2014 04:51 am EDT


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