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Subject: Infamous Glory

The ride from the Phoenix Inn, to the town of Helios was a short yet pleasant one. Helios was, with out a doubt, Fintan's favorite town in the Westlands. It was located near a lively forest, and was the trade hub of the kingdom. It was the trade that drew Fintan to the city on a regular basis.

Fintan was headed towards a small shop in the richer district of the town. The name of the shop was 'The Cavalier Cat', a tailor who had made many of Fintan's clothes. His only hesitance towards the district of the town was the fact it was inhabited by the wealthier people of the town. Mainly lords of local clans who despised the alliance between Arelia and Westland. This, Rogue could ignore, as well as any jives he was given. It was the possibility of an insult towards the Empire, Fintan would not stand for.

By fortune, it was too early for many people, let alone nobles who fancy themselves as gods, to be up. It left Fintan to take an easy ride through the town. Maria's hooves pattering softly on the cobblestone street. It was a rare sight for Fintan to see Helios when people were not bustling around the street. The buildings were gray in the early sunlight, as opposed to their usual off white. The steeple of a cathedral on the far side of town cast a long shadow, which ended just beside Fintan. The calmness of the town was comforting for Fintan.

Fintan became so ensnared by the quiet morning that he had not seen his destination was only feet away from him. He chuckled at the sign that swayed back and forth on it's hanger. It was a orange cat's head, wearing a cavalier hat. 'What an interesting story that would make...a dueling cat.' He thought to himself, as he swung off of his horse.

With none of the shops currently open to the public, the musketeer decided to take a walk around town. He lead the horse to a hitching post. He had hardly stepped away when the door to the tailor shop opened. A young woman stepped out of the establishment.

She had soft brown hair tied up in a bun, with a single strand hanging down over her right eye. An white apron over a simple dress of common wool and cotton. Her round face was lit up by a cheery smile at the sight of Fintan. "Fintan! How nice to see you again!"

"Isabella!" Fintan turned at the voice and walked over, his hands extended. The tailor walked out and grasped his hands, only to have them brought up and kissed. "Always a pleasure. Still in Helios working for your aunt?"

"Yes, I have decided to make my residency in the Westlands permanent. It is far better than Da'Hara."

"Well obviously."

"What brings you out here this morning?"

"I was hoping to have a new suit made."

"But you look so dashing in this one, Fintan."

"Yes, but the colors are starting to become a little too summery. I was thinking something more rustic, with a great cloak rather than a cape."

"The de Marin rose?"

"Perhaps, but not it's bright silver."



"Come inside, we can get to work on it immediately." Isabella grabbed Fintan's wrist and tugged him inside.

Fintan was put on to a pedestal while the seamstress selected a rolls of fabric for Fintan to judge. She looked over and smirked. "Velvet I assume." Fintan gave her a look that spoke for him. With that, she knew she need not ask. She brought over her personally chosen colors first. A rust brown and a dark golden yellow. She took the corners and put them up to Fintan's neck. "These do complement your complexion. Or would you like to see something else?"

"This is fine...." Fintan said with a monotone as he looked in the mirror at the fabrics up next to his skin. He did not want to give the impression they were exactly what he was thinking, or seem too excited.

"Well, then you know how this starts." She turned around and walked do the door, drawing the curtains to keep Fintan in as much privacy as possible. When she turned around, Fintan already had his doublet, boots and trousers off. He untied his shirt and pulled it off as well. Isabella instantly noticed his left hand, though as she never did before she said nothing about it. She picked up a measurement rope and walked over. "Arms up." Fintan lifted his arms out to the side. With each measurement, Isabella would audibly whisper the numbers. As many of the measurings were with Fintan, there was an awkward silence unless she was asking Fintan to do a certain movement.

“So what I was thinking...” Fintan broke the silence. “ Was a pair of trousers and a cloak , and light doublet out of the brown. The gold would serve as trim as well as a lining for the lot.”

“That sounds magnificent...if I may ask, what is the occasion for the new clothes?”

“I am hosting a festival on the Eve of Samhane .” Upon mentioning the night the festival was held, Isabella looked at Fintan as if he was crazy.

“Is that not the night where the spirits are said to return to the earth?”

“Precisely why I hold the festival that night. It shall make for a lively festival. It shall be most interesting because of who died four years ago this night.”

“Who?” Isabella wrapped the measuring rope up, intrigue and a slight hint of fear in her eyes.

“Silver Rose. He tried to fight sixteen Westland Guards and was killed brutally as a result.”

“That murderer had that coming. He’s nothing to complain about, considering how many others are with out family because of him.” With out knowing it, Fintan had shot Isabella’s brother during a robbery. It was that reason he patrons her shop rather than making his clothes himself which he was more than capable of. Guilt holds on to Fintan’s soul easily.

“I’m sorry, I forgot your distaste of him. I won’t.....In the name of Avalon?” Fintan heard some kind of yelling from outside. He quickly got dressed again and walked towards the door, with Isabella following.

“It’s too damned early for people to be shouting in the streets....oh, why am I not surprised it’s her?” Fintan had opened the door only to show Hanna Linani yelling at some man who dressed like a wannabe noble.

The man wore black leggings and boots that had a, as Fintan thought, useless shine, and a tanned jerkin with a wide shoulder necklace. An eagle, with wings spread wide, was hanging from the necklace. A broadsword hung from his hip, though by the way it hung Fintan guessed the sheriff had no clue how to actually use the sword. A black wool cap was hung on his brow, and had the same eagle embroidered on it. “Listen, I understand that....” The man paused as if he was having some kind of seizure, but quickly continued. “You feel wronged.” He paused again. “But Silver Rose is not alive.”

Isabella shivered and stepped closer to Fintan, keeping mostly behind him. “Sheriff Jogluan is just disturbing...” She whispered to Fintan.

“YES HE IS! HE HELD ME UP LAST NIGHT YOU BUGEYED CREEP OF A LAW ENFORCER!” Hanna screamed at the top of her lungs. “Him and some other fairy dressed.” Fintan growled under his breath. “highwayman held me up last night for all my worth! One of them even tried to take advantage of me!”

“Look, I’ll put warnings out, but he’s dead. There is no way he held you up.”

“Perhaps Her Ladyship was seeing things, or had a little too much to drink last night.” Fintan called out, walking towards them with Isabella keeping within six inches of Fintan at any given time.

“Good morning, de Marin.” Jogluan stated

“I did not drink anything, Count de Marin. I was held up by that scoundrel! You provided the wrong information four years ago, and he’s come out of hiding!”

“I am Your Grace, to you Jogluan. Or learn how to not frighten young children with your seizure like smile and maybe you may call me by a name.” Fintan stated dryly, only to get a look of contempt from Jogluan. Isabella was giggling from the statement, though she tried not to let it show too much. “And Lady Linani, this is the one time this mentally challenged oaf is right, Silver Rose is dead. I myself saw him die.”

The sheriff put his hand on his sword and started to draw it. “What the hell gives you the right to talk to me like that, you insol-” Fintan had stepped forward and put his hand on Jogluan’s wrist, letting his weight keep the sword from coming out. In his right hand he had a pistol at the throat of the Helios Sheriff.

“The fact I am able of completing a coherent sentence without stuttering or having a seizure. My ability to actually use my weapons without hurting myself, and for the fact I am simply better than you. Now shut up, Sheriff Simpleton and let the adults talk.”

“Yes Jogulan, shut your disgusting face.” Hanna groaned. “And go do something useful, like putting up wanted posters of Silver Rose again.”

“He’s not ba....”

“JUST GO BEFORE I BLAST YOUR DAMNED HEAD OFF WITH ONE OF COUNT DE MARIN’S PISTOLS!” Hanna shrieked, now thoroughly annoyed. It was the first time that Fintan actually agreed with her. Rather than testing the pair further, the sheriff turned and walked away, muttering under his breath about people not respecting him. Fintan lowered his pistol and uncocked it. “I will not hesitate next time. I will destroy that horrid little creature.”

“I shan’t bother stopping you.” Fintan grumbled.

“I am talking about Silver Rose, Your Grace.” Hanna corrected him.

“Ah, yes well....have fun doing so. If you will excuse me, I’ve clothes to finish getting made.” With that, Fintan walked back in to the tailor-shop with Isabella keeping closely beside him.

Time Posted: October 29 2011 05:25 pm EDT
Last updated: December 3 2011 02:08 pm EST

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