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Subject: The Last Ride of Silver Rose

Fintan was busy sewing new clasps on his old doublet. Happily he whistled a tune thinking of the 'fun' he use to have while on his rides. This time, however, was different. It was not for Queen and Country, but to protect the rights of the people. Suddenly, as he thought of his role, he scoffed. Thinking of his role reminded him of a story of an archer who always thwarted the evil sheriff and

"Why do I always end up playing the hero..." He muttered. There was a knock at the door. Fintan dropped the doublet on to the ground behind his desk. "Enter." He pulled a piece of paper over and acted as if he was working.

Charlotte walked in holding a tray. "I thought you might be hungry, Sir." She set the tray down on the desk and poured a cup of tea. She lifted the sugar bowl and waited until Fintan nodded. She poured two spoons in and then the cream until Fintan motioned for her to stop. She gave it two gentle stirs and put the cup and saucer infront of Fintan. Picking up she placed it on top of the teacake with Fintan's nod she cut in to it and placed a slice on another saucer and set it down infront of Fintan. "Will there be anything else, Sir?"

"Thank you, Miss Charlotte, no."

She smiled brightly and bowed her head. "I shall be back to gather the plates and cup later then." She picked the tray back up and walked out of the study.

After taking a sip of the tea, and a small bite of the cake Fintan resumed sewing. He had only a few more stitches before the clasp was satisfactorily attached to his doublet. He stared at the silver roses, his mind drifting to when Silver Rose became a memory for the Westlands.

The Rose Highwayman gang was riding through the Dark Forest in Helios. Fintan himself tipped off the Westland Army that they would be in the forests. He had not expected the other four to actually ride with him. This was set up by Boudicca and Fintan alone. It caused Fintan to have to improvise.

As they rode slowly through the dark canopy, Fintan led them to the checkpoint he told the soldiers to set up.

"I want you all to go around. I will come from the south and cover you with the mist."

"Right away, Sir." Marcus said, clicking his tongue he and the other four galloped on towards the path that lead southward

Fintan went on alone, knowing he would meet up with the guards long before the others could catch up. The plan he had was very simple, it was putting it to work that was his only problem. He was so blinded with the worry he would fail he did not see the torch light that announced the checkpoint up ahead. The guards readied their pikes, knowing well who was coming.

As Fintan's trained ears heard the sound of pikes clacking together, he stopped Maria to avoid harm to her and dismounted. He drew his rapier and dagger. Making sure his mask was on tightly he walked forward. His spurs ringing with every step, he readied himself for a fight.

The soldiers stepped forward, their pikes raised. "Silver Rose, you are under arrest for crimes against the people of Westland. Put down your sword."

Silver raised his rapier in salute infront of his face. "I regret to inform you I shant be able to perform that particular task." He kept his salute until one soldier thrusted his pike at the highwayman's heart.

Taking a step to the right in a spin, Silver ensnared the shaft of the pike with his dagger quilion and tripped the soldier. Using the pike he now controlled he felled a soldier by parrying his thrusting charge, and skewering him. With the weight of the dead man on him, the fallen soldier could not get up. Fintan side stepped again as another pike was thrust at his chest. This time, he threw his dagger in the process, and delayed another soldier by hitting him in the arm. He grabbed the pike thrust at him, and used it's ongoing momentum to drive it in to a tree.

The soldier tried in vain to pull it out, but was kicked away by a hard kick to the chest. Silver put the plan in to motion now. When he made a lunge at one of the soldiers, and they parried he allowed the sword to fly out of his hand. He muttered in Infreanian, causing a dark fog to roll in. As he had hoped, the soldiers became fearful and all those who were able lunged at him with their weapons just as they lost full sight of him.

From the brush, Fintan watched as the fog rolled away. An manipulative image of him stood with four pikes piercing him. The soldiers cheered as they pulled out their pikes and let the likeness of Fintan fall to the ground, dead. Of course this was not nearly enough for them, they stabbed it repeatedly, until almost no part of the mirage could be made out to be Fintan.

During his reminiscing, Fintan had fallen to sleep in his chair, as Charlotte found out when she walked in. Laughing softly she walked over and started cleaning up the tea and cake. What was left of the tea had a film over it, and the cake was slightly hardened. Fintan had clearly been sleeping for a few hours. The Cooking Mistress walked around the desk and picked up the doublet Fintan had been working on and went to put it on a manikin. As she dusted it off and fastened it she gasped at seeing the style of the rose. The de Marin rose was an Outer Veil style, this was not that rose. She recognized it as the romantic rose of Silver Rose.

"Silver Rose...." She looked back at Fintan and back at the doublet. "Oh my God...."

Time Posted: October 1 2011 06:33 pm EDT
Last updated: December 3 2011 01:42 pm EST


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