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Subject: My Thoughts...
My Thoughts

Potion Shop Prices

- Potions that are purchased from the potion shop are now incremental, everytime you purchase a potion the price of the next will increase by 1 million gold.

Not a huge change compared to some others, but still has a large impact. Like roger pointed out, this will be harshest on new and poorer players who before long will find potions costing far to much to pay for... I see the price of sapps rising considerably here and potion shops falling into disuse... such a shame for such a new feature.

Perhaps, if a price increase must exist, it should be maybe every 5 or 10 potions instead of every potion... but in general I am not in favor of this.


- If you do not lumber for 72 hours and are above level 1 lumber level then you will drop back one lumber level.

Not meaning to offend, but this update is plain and simple insanity. Go away for a weekend and not put yourself on vaca cause your not sure when you will be back, only to come back to this surprise of losing months of work... What was the point of packages and/or spending so much time at occ only to lose months of your time in a manner of days.

And how about newbies? it takes forever to level up with triple digit ability (which all would agree was obtained FOR lumber training) but for those that only have 5, 10, etc ability, this will be a soul crushing nightmare with how long it takes to even get a few lumber levels built up.

Many others have outlined similar points and it would seem that we cannot stress enough that there is no room for an update like this here which so negates hard work and dedication to this game over months and months off time and activity.

Bank Taxes For Heavy Hoarders

- Bank taxes are now in place. These taxes only take effect if you have over a certain amount of gold in the vault.

Over 10,000,000 : 0.1% tax every reset

Over 100,000,000 : 1% tax every reset

Over 500,000,000 : 1.5% tax every reset

Over 1,000,000,000 : 2% tax every reset

I have it in my mind that the previous serf change, while somewhat needed never the less ends up punishing those that have worked hard and spent money in order to excel at this game. Why raise energy at all if it will only cost you more and more?

While that may seem unrelated here, there is a connection that I can see... once again, here is a update that gets worse and worse the better you are. What is the motivation left to build gold through markets and other areas if a bunch of it will just be taken away when you get good at it, for what seems to be no justifiable reason; unlike other taxes in the game like autosweep (service of sweeping gold to bank) and chips (conversion cost), I can see no reason why this gold should be taxed at all. Especially in the light of suggestions to just create more things to spend on to decrease gold rather then taking it away for no reason.

Many players (myself included) are already in debt to other players, and now paying them back for their kindness in loaning gold when needed for this or that is made even harder... the same will be seen for clan loans as well.

Another thing to consider is clan owners. They tend to hold onto much resources that are clan based for easy of giving them to other players, but now this gold stands to be cut down if they follow the same method... but the only way around this is to keep everything in clan... except that is now impossible with the next update.

Clan Vault Size

- The size of clans vaults have been limited to 1 billion. If you wish to increase your clan vault size, you can do so at a cost of 1 medal per 250,000,000 increase.

I dont see a point in a limit other then a cause for clans to needlessly burn more medals... but there is a problem. Earning medals quickly requires competing in the cbr or cpr... both of which cost resources that often come from the clan to aid the members in their fighting... and dont forget that a cpr or cbr is quite expensive, but now the resources that could be put towards such things are restricted. Intense competition months like what happen from time to time are now greatly hindered if not made impossible, simply because a clan can no longer hold all the resources needed to it?

Another factor to consider here is that good equipment costs aprox 300m and up... but the clan buying power is now restricted.

What these two things leave use with is that if a clan wants to seriously compete in a competition, or if they wish to outfit their members with great gears and such, then they have no choice but to dump extra resources on the owner, co, or finance officer to hold since a clan can no longer cut it... the only problem is that in doing that you are now faced with clan funds decreasing over time for no reason due to the other update.

Very rarely does an update come out that I can not at least argue for, but this one more or less meets the requirements.

Time Posted: June 15 2011 10:10 am EDT
Last updated: June 15 2011 10:10 am EDT

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