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Admin Nate
Posts: 5,727
Status: King

Karma: +2,355
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Subject: Twitter Much?
I get a lot of friend requests for my Facebook page on a regular basis. I do not accept very many of them simply because I do not know everyone, plus some information I do not want to be public. However, for those of you that use Twitter you can follow me here:


My Twitter might have game updates at times, but it will be mostly my updates throughout the day, what I'm doing, maybe some tech news, or even funny thoughts. If you really want to know whats going on with me, then follow me on Twitter. If not then just disregard this message. I just wanted to give people the opportunity to actually follow me as opposed to me declining Facebook friend requests.

Time Posted: April 1 2011 09:07 am EDT
Last updated: April 1 2011 08:15 pm EDT


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