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Subject: The Trip back to the Westlands then to home
Liani had made her way out of Blackwater and had arrived somehow at the city of Stromwall. There she walked thru the town on her way back to Fionoch's Castle in the hopes to return Fintan's broach to him before she made the trip to find a port to return to the westlands before heading home again to her fathers house.

Little did Liani know, she had passed Fintan on the streets. She continued her way towards the castle again. She didnt feel comfortable going there again as she had days and days before.

As she walked, she fidgeted with the 2 broaches, holding both the silver rose and the blood red rose broaches tight to her, feeling as tho they were meant to somehow be connected but didnt know why she felt that way.

Soon 2 guards past her on the streets and stopped her, demanding to know where she had gotten the silver rose broach. When she told that that Fintan had given it to her, they called her a liar and said that she had stolen it. When she refused to give it to them, they proceeded to threaten her and insult her by calling her a Westlander. This anger her as she seen westlanders as scum as filth and didnt like being classed as one.

Again the guards demanded the silver rose broach and again she refused to give it them. She told them that she herself would return it to the one that had given it to her. She went to turn away only to have the weapons that the guards carried at her throat. Suddenly, Molly has shown up due t the commotion and told her that she would return the broach to Fintan. Even tho it went against how Liani was raised, even tho her soul was dark and cold, she gave a broach to Molly.

Liani turned and walked towards the nearby trees, a sly smirk on her face as she held the silver rose broach in her hands, knowing that she would get to the chance to return it herself to Fintan.


After a few long hours of walking, Liani stopped as she heard a voice in her head. To her surprise, it was her father calling out to her in desperation.

My daughter, I need you home quickly. I have been injured When Liani heard this she gasps in disbelieve that someone could harm her father. She tries to talk back to him Father.. I am in another country. How am I to come to you so quickly? Close your eyes and think hard of me and home and you shall be here. Do not ask how for that is yet to be told to you.

Liani found a safe place in the forest she had come to and closed her eyes. After thinking hard of her father and of home, she opened her eyes a moments later to find herself standing before her injured father.

Time Posted: August 9 2010 11:44 pm EDT
Last updated: August 11 2010 06:56 am EDT

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