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Subject: Flabbergasted
Everything in the last few hours seemed like a blur. From the fading of her headache, to the very room they sat in now. Sitting on the bed with her back against the headboard, Sofia sat in thought about their current situation. Okay, so the important thing is that we stay safe. I guess that would include Ry too since Ari’s got something for him. Man this is a mess. Speaking out loud now, “Arianna what did yourself into?” It was more of a matter-of-fact question rather than a direct one. She wasn’t expecting an answer.

Sitting at the edge of the bed, Sofia pulled a smooth stone from a small bad she carried with her and set it next to her on the bed. Removing her dual scimitars from her sides, she began to sharpen the edges. It was a calming, mind numbing act to do so because of the fluent repetitiveness of the motion. The anticipation of a fight was not far from her mind. Keeping herself and Arianna away from bodily harm would be her first priority.

After her conversation with Arianna in their still familiar secret language, Sofia observed the room. It was a cold and empty space. Similar to jail cell with out the bars. Looking back to Arianna, “Some way to treat a couple guests. You think they’d offer us something more than a sorry excuse for a room.” Her thoughts then went to Ry. If this is suppose to be a guest room, I’d hate to see what they’re keeping him in…. Sofia didn’t say it out loud because she feared that Arianna would become somewhat upset. The both of them needed to keep their cool.

Undistracted by her thoughts Sofia turned her attention once more to Arianna. “Whatever happens, I’ll be here to watch your back.” She said in all sincerity. Then with a coy smile she added in jest, “There’s not enough manpower here that can stop the wrath of a pirate woman’s scorn. They didn’t even offer us any rum!” A light laugh escaped her lips as she began to put her whetstone away and re-secured her scimitars to her waist belt.

Pulling out her pistol now, she examined the barrel and her small pouch of ammo. Sofia would be ready when she was needed. “I’m following your lead on this Arianna. You know well you can count on me.”

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Time Posted: December 1 2008 10:02 am EST
Last updated: December 6 2008 09:46 pm EST


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