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![]() Posts: 5,727 Status: King Karma: +2,355 [+1] [-1] ![]() ![]() |
Subject: Monster Database (FINAL) | |||||
Well this is a list of the monsters you will encounter while playing this wonderful game. Some things might need editing just let me know. You might notice that the monsters level in even number increments (ie: 2, 4, 6 etc.) Any monsters not on the list or that need to be updated please let me know here or via mail. Forest/Dark Forest Quests: Note: These monsters don't have a level or a certain amount of HP, there strength and HP are based off of your current level. Quest 1 - Wild forest tiger Quest 2 - Bridge Guard Quest 3 - Hunter Quest 4 - Old lady/Witch Quest 5 - Alligator of Doom, Wiley Coyote, Rabid Raccoon, Ninja Gopher, Forest Demon, Fire Cat, Blood Talon Quest 6 - Dragon Guards, Dragon King Quest 7 - Psycho Steve Quest 8 - Psycho Steve Quest 9 - Mud Snakes Quest 10 - Guards, Prince or Baron Humperdink Quest 11 - Great Beast Forest/Dark Forest: Note: Whatever your current level is you get monsters the are 8 levels above and 8 levels below your current level, 8 levels higher aren't as common as monsters your level or 2 above or below, the same goes for the lower level monsters. Also, you will notice there HP go up in increments of 8 as well. As you walk along the forest path, you see a Rabbit coming towards you. Monster: Rabbit Level: 1 HP: 34 As you walk along the forest path, you see a Rat coming towards you. Monster: Rat Level: 2 HP: 38 As you walk along the forest path, you see a Bat coming towards you. Monster: Bat Level: 4 HP: 42 As you walk along the forest path, you see a Dog coming towards you. Monster: Dog Level: 6 HP: 50 As you walk along the forest path, you see a Giant spider coming towards you. Monster: Giant spider Level: 8 HP: 58 As you walk along the forest path, you see a Young man coming towards you. Monster: Young man Level: 10 HP: 66 A howling wolf charges straight at you! Monster: Wolf Level: 12 HP: 74 You get swatted in the face! A tree howls in laughter. Monster: Giant tree Level: 14 HP: 82 A large fighter stands in front of you. He cracks his knuckles and prepares for a fight. Monster: Fighter Level: 16 HP: 90 A Bandit jumps down from the trees above. Monster: Bandit Level: 18 HP: 98 A hunter draws his crossbow and takes aim Monster: Hunter Level: 20 HP: 106 A body lies on the ground. When you attempt to examine it, the dead body wakes up and starts attacking! Monster: Zombie Level: 22 HP: 114 You hear a loud hisss from behind you. You turn around suddenly and see a giant snake Monster: Giant snake Level: 24 HP: 122 An armed guard raises his weapon to stop you. "I am not allowed to let anyone pass." Monster: Armed Guard Level 26: HP: 130 You see something move in shadows. When you step closer, an armed assassin jumps staight at you with a pair of daggers! Monster: Assassin Level: 28 HP: 138 A goblin warrior spots you and moves in for the kill. Monster: Goblin Level: 30 HP: 146 A large Da'Haran man sees you and runs forward with his sword drawn! Monster: Da'Haran man Level: 32 HP: 154 A large troll lumbers slowly towards you. It doesn't look happy! Monster: Troll Level: 34 HP: 162 You hear the clanking of armour and a large knight appears. He draws his sword and prepares for battle. Monster: Knight Level: 36 HP: 170 A lone goblin captain charges into battle with a loud war cry. Monster: Goblin Captain Level: 38 HP: 178 You see a shadowy figure move in the distance. Before you can move, the ninja is already in front of you! Monster: Ninja Level: 40 HP: 186 A wild forest tiger growls and pounces straight at you! Monster: Forest tiger Level: 42 HP: 194 A large Knight is blocking your path. "NONE SHALL PASS!" Monster: Black knight Level: 44 HP: 202 A large dragon swoops down from the sky and lands in front of you. It roars and moves towards you menacingly! Monster: Dragon Level: 46 HP: 210 With a scream of rage, a beserker charges straight at you. It looks like nothing will stop it! Monster: Beserker Level: 48 HP: 218 Everything around you turns dark and you feel a cold chill. From the shadows, a large demon appears! Monster: Shadow Demon Level: 50 HP: 226 An armoured skeleton charges you emitting an unholy shriek! Monster: Skeleton Warrior Level: 52 HP: 234 Emitting a howl that chills your blood the werewolf pounces Monster: Werewolf Level: 54 HP: 242 An aura of death permeates the air and you face a deathly pale mage Monster: Necromancer Level: 56 HP: 250 An animated corpse stumbles into view and fills you with terror Monster: Ghoul Level: 58 HP: 258 An armoured warrior wielding a curved sword calmly steps out to fight you Monster: Samurai Level: 60 HP: 266 A lost soul settles into view and trys to take your body for its own Monster: Wraith Level: 62 HP: 274 A mage calls forth his minions to battle you Monster: Summoner Level: 64 HP: 282 The large green warrior charges you whirling his sword menacingly Monster: Orc Level: 66 HP: 290 The large armoured man wheels his mount in and charges you Monster: Knight Captain Level: 68 HP: 298 A mage steps forth with awesome power crackling from his staff Monster: Arch Mage Level: 70 HP: 306 A massive grotesque figure stomps into view holding a tree trunk like a club Monster: Ogre Level: 72 HP: 314 The large dog blasts fire from its open jaws as it hammers along the ground towards you Monster: Hell Hound Level: 74 HP: 322 The mist before you swirls into a human shape and floats softly towards you Monster: Wisp Level: 76 HP: 330 A bat swoops down and becomes a dark figure with glowing eyes and bloody teeth Monster: Vampire Level: 78 HP: 338 A holy warrior wielding a massive sword with ease challenges you Monster: Paladin Level: 80 HP: 346 Molten rock forms into a puddle then a shape which quickly becomes a flaming demon Monster: Fire Demon Level: 82 HP: 354 Deathly cold chills you as a powerful undead mage stalks you Monster: Lich Level: 84 HP: 362 Suddenly plunged into darkness you realise a 20 foot monster is blocking the sun Monster: Giant Level: 86 HP: 370 You barely escape the charms of this evil demon in female form Monster: Succubus Level: 88 HP: 378 With a smashing cracking sound an ice monster in human form appears before you Monster: Ice Demon Level: 90 HP: 386 An undead knight walks into view, with a massive axe and dripping blood from his open maw Monster: Vampire Knight Level: 92 HP: 394 A horrifying figure summoned from the pits of hell and formed from the flesh of many, burns into being Monster: Legion Level: 94 HP: 402 Awesome and terrible this divine being carries a flaming sword Monster: Angel Level: 96 HP: 410 Evil personified, the ground cracks and splits with shooting flame as the devil himself towers over you Monster: Devil Level: 98 HP: 418 A skeletal figure wielding a huge glowing Scythe and wearing a hooded robe eases from the shadows points a bony finger at you Monster: Death Level: 100 HP: 426 A beatiful song reaches your ears, and you are drawn towards a lake in the center of the forest, just as you reach the shoreline you realise it's a trap! Monster: Siren Level: 120 HP: 650 Bolts of lightning strike the ground around you as the god of war descends from olympus to battle you! Monster: Aries Level: 140 HP: 650 The hairs on the back of your neck rise as Lilimawoh, eyes shining like a lighthouse suddenly awakes, blinding you in her reptilian gaze as she uncoils,rising ever higher. Monster: Lilimawoh Level: 160 HP: 700 The legendary warrior rises from his grave to do battle with you! Monster: Achillles Level: 180 HP: 750 Lion-fronted and snake behind, a goat in the middle, and snorting out the breath of the terrible flame of bright fire, a Legendary Chimera appears before you. Monster: Chimera Level: 200 HP: 800 A massive black shadow swoops down from the sky and lands in front of you. The beast looks at you with a menacing look in it's eye. Monster: Galgore Griffin Level: 220 HP: 850 As you walk through the woods a huge lumbering tree swings out and grabs a hold of you! Monster: Treant Level: 240 HP: 1200 While Exploring you see King Ghidorah. The Three-headed monster that has been resurrected from ancient past. His 6 eyes glare at you as he raises his almighty weapon from the sky and prepares to fight. Monster: King Ghidorah Level: 260 HP: 1800 You stop to examine a Tumtum tree when a hideous monster with eyes of flame comes whiffling through the tulgy wood, burbling as it comes. Monster: Jabberwock Level: 280 HP: 2200 An old man stands to block your way. You cannnot help feeling nervous as you see the anger in his face. Monster: Evil Wizard Afrix Level: 300 HP: 2400 Elite Palace: Door 1: a). Lion (226 HP) b). Black Bear (242 HP) c). Trainer Diego (241 HP) Door 2: a). Swarm of Ants (266 HP) b). Swarm of Rats (266 HP) c). Swarm of Rats [stronger] (281 HP) d). Trainer Diana (274 HP) Door 3: a). Small Water Element (322 HP) b). Large water Element (306 HP) c). Huge Water Elemental (322 HP) d). Gargantuan Water Elemental (322 HP) e). Trainer Tad (322 HP) Door 4: a). Dire Wolf (354 HP) b). Dire Bear (354 HP) c). Dire Elephant (346 HP) d). Dire Ape (354 HP) e). Fire Dragon (354 HP) f). Trainer Sneaky Pete (354 HP) Door 5: a). Brass Dragon (426 HP) b). Bronze Dragon (550 HP) c). Copper Dragon (590 HP) d). Silver Dragon (598 HP) e). Golden Dragon (650 HP) f). Titanium Dragon (750 HP) g). Trainer Dragon Dan (1400 HP) Great Arena: Belkenese Spellbinder Ancient Briar Witch Takyse Warlord Medusa Spawn Rock Troll Evil Orcan Prince Underground Beast Reanimated Ice Lord Hoarfrost Lizard Tirillian Forest Stalker Tattered Undead Warrior Green Horned Calaclypse Diabolical Centaur Oozing Puss Worm Tattered Undead Warrior Thanks to: S_e_r_a_p_h_i_m(level 80-98 monsters) Tsar_Anonymous(Great Arena monsters) Saint_Gher(Great Arena monsters) Ivan da thug(Great Arena monsters) |
- Awesome work!! - GAMEKING123
- well done - Spiderman2
- Thats Awesome - SAINT_BHOKAL
- This - SinisterTactics
- Good work nate... - RavenKnight
- I think - Queen_Liani
- Great... - Jailler
- Evil Wizard Afrix is here: - DEATHSHAND
- actualy... - Count_Mike72
- Aries has been added - The_Big_Chook
- hmm... - Count_Mike72
- Great Fire Beast - dman42
- Umm shouldn't you also add the new sea monsters aa - Zeltria
- Jabberwock - The_Big_Chook
- I would love to see - Saint_RedMoon
- I can help you - Evul_Vercetti
- can i add one more??? - revivesaber
- Is there anyone - LoliLoli
- thanks for the info - Archer222
- great guide :) - Haldir
- Great Arena -
- Cool - Samurake
- do you also have - Anrath
- bump - Count_Mike72
- Good work - ZenZual
- After level 107 - Sajase
- Nice work - Randall_Flagg
- Have the other.. - Silent dagger
- wow - Gamerz69
- kewl!! :D - Plague in DW
- good guide - phon
- It's nice to - King_Achilles
- Siren - Diablo
- Another one - Silent dagger
- what about - S.O.F
- That must be hard - Bloodyknight29
- Don't suppose - Ivan da thug
- Any chance - Omar_Little
- You Forgot... - brightjules
- congrats! - TORERO
- cool this one is! - raider150
- Wow thanks - fahd_sm
- is the death like this? - Combichrist
- Mystic Forest - S.O.F
- This goes - Rapier
- very nice - incognito
- qeustion - boaztrex
- omg - ArchBishop
- a giant snake monster just showed up at the fishin - Saint_Damean
- p.s. - mike7215
- how do you get to the great beast? - Rising_Pheonix
- Good job - Zealan
- great arena - Ivan da thug
- nice - S.O.F
- lol honestly - Tetsuo_Sekita
- great job - Todesritter
- Hi - Qerubim
- Nice list... - Kraster
- wait there's four doors - D3ATHSTARE
- Very Nice - lord_caos
- at - mike7215
- Cool :D - Caco WL
- Great job! ^^ - Rhazes
- Very Nice List - SharpPoint
- Monsters - S_e_r_a_p_h_i_m
- Wow - Lord Iskandar
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