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Subject: stumbling
down the dark alleys Saint's mind is fuzzy from all the Ale.

{i} Lies they have to be... ughh who is this creep staring at me

Down the alley a tall man leaning against the wall stares at Saint stumbling around and thinks to himself. hmm this should be an easy target, he looks more full of ale than a barrel

As Saint walks past the strange man he hears the sound of boots behind him, he quickly jumps to the side and draws his dagger just as the man swings down with a club.

The man stumbles foward with the force of the swing and Saint takes his chance. He slams down into the back of the mans neck with the hilt of his dagger, crumpling him to the ground.

I think now's a good time to head back to Mano's home.

Sobered up from the scuffle Saint rushes back to Mano's house.

Time Posted: November 12 2008 10:45 pm EST
Last updated: November 12 2008 10:53 pm EST


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