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Subject: You have the right to feel insulted
You have the right to feel insulted, though it was not my intention. And I do know how php, and web developement works, actually i have reed quiet a bit my self due my Sisters research for her tessis grade. I find it very hard work and mentaly sofocating. But unless you are doing the codes is not entertining at all. As what the user cares about is the resoult.

Back to the insulting topic. Perhaps i should avoid all sarcarsm to avoid insulting ppl, but for all i know, have of my friends loves my way of speacking and have a laugh with it and other half dont care about it.

The fact that you are actually saying "you're stupid because you don't think about how php works" saying you wouldnt say that because you are not me, proves my point. You and I dont think so different after all.

I should not to feel offended, after all you are just stating your mind in the rawes and probably more honest way. Diplomacy is another name for hipocrecy and i really dislike that. People should feel free to call other jerk, prick, a.hole, as is the most honest expretion of how anry or enfuriating they feel about the others opinions and comments.

And for those who cannot reed between the lines.

Although I evelish my post with some RP it does not mean im not adressing game issues.

For example the orithial post adress the issues of:
1. The lack of attacks on orithia douring the time of the day when most of its population is active.
2. The unneven amount of attacks displays on this month as the rest of the city seem to be all the time under attack.
3. The desire of a Player to play a part of the game when he is online.

4. It also adresses the inactive Orithians and call them to arms

among other topics.

those are the main 4 reasons why i post this on game discutions and not in RP

I do post in RP when my post is only for the pleasure of Role playing my character.


This kind of discutions bring out a question for me.

Why does everyone seems so interested in reducing all role play action to the RP area and Chat.

Role playing your character is what makes it feel alive in this point and click game. If anything you guys should be promoting Rp in every way posible as it makes the link between the avatar and the user stronger. and so its conection to the game.
Reality: Zahid kills me because his stats are higher than mines and his skill more effective.
I spend x gold in y stats use z skill combo, now i win. THE END.

RP Fiction:
Zahid, a more powerfull warrior has challenge Edulahin and beated him. He chase him and forzes him into hiding. Edulahin spend a mont in intensive training gathering strenght to challeng Zahid and Regain his honor as a warrior. Archiving his goal Edulahin Desided to befriend his former enemy who now recognices his streng in battle and his capability of self improvement.

Which one sound more interesting?

Which one makes you feel more in Edulahin's skin?

That is why I write my speaches in a more passionate way, trying to spread with some contagious intencity the exigment of playing this silly click and click game.

Time Posted: August 10 2014 02:05 pm EDT
Last updated: August 10 2014 05:11 pm EDT


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