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Subject: What I did in this case
was to take something nasty and make it cute. You are just looking at it the other way around.

But yes, i recognize doing otherwise is also funny.
"15. The more beautiful and pure a thing is, the more satisfying it is to corrupt it. "
rules of the internet, I don’t make them, I just have fun with them.

Shrooms, you need to understand that the world is a very horrible place most of the time, and there is no fareplay and kindness is a very rare thing to find. The liberties gained by some are just liberties lost by others. Because I was born in the wrong time in country I’m rejected by many. Because I don’t make the kind of money others I’m look down by them. Because I don’t share an opinion I’m to be outcast by those who disagree. Is that fare? No. is it wrong? I really don’t know, it just seems the way the world is and any attempt of changing that has failed in the past and probably will in the future. Did we really eliminated slavery or we just changed the system? Years ago we landed men at the moon, and now we can’t take them away from their cellphones. All I see is ppl desperately clinging to some thing to give their life some purpose. HAHAHAHA… Is that hard to deal with the fact that your life does not have any purpose?

What I do to cope with that world is to make it my playground and have fun with it. While i could get insulted by a sex joke I get the joke have and smile. I judge as freely as the world does and expect nothing from it, I respect everyone’s choice about how to live their life. I hope them to respect my opinions yet not to act accord to them. Therefore I can tolerate everything every ones says or does as long as I understand what they use to sustain their actions. And for my life… I just want to have fun living it. What do I believe in? That everyone deserves to be happy yet not everyone will be happy, so try to be a happy one.
If someone tries to hurt me Imma have fun fighting back. Or I may just go Masochist and enjoy the pain. As I live my life walking on the rope between the cliff of sanity and the cliff of insanity, and when I get bore I just jump and sky dive between both.
“This is why I don’t speak to you” No? And what is this… o right, is called writing. You literal girl
No seriously if you dislike me so much why do you bother to change me? Do you care about me? Or do you care about me being the way it pleases you the most? Of is unselfish and the other not, but none is wrong to me. I could totally be your friend since I like ppl for their differences. Could you be a friend of me? I don’t think so.

Do you want something from me? Because I do almost anything for my friends? They just have to ask. Although I spend hours writing this message if Mama or Ox were to ask me to delete it.. I would. You just asked on your way for me to change the name so I did. Sabernac gets to be as critical about me as much he wants; I never find offence in his words. No intention to hurt, no expectations of change neither… he is like this is my opinion.. And since I like it and respect it I act in consequence. I find his honesty as clear as mine. He just speaks his mind of. He is by far more talented in choosing words, is to be expected of a much more educated man.
You on the other hand… you and your broom became enemies from my early days in Westland. Why? Does not really matter, im over it long time ago, when fighting you and onion became boring for me and unpleasant for my friends. Few days ago we were pretending to be friends.. wasn’t it nice? It shows we can be friendly to each other; I was willing to keep playing till the game became the new reality. Suddenly you didn’t want to play anymore, some games are worth playing. I guess that was wasn’t for you.

Let me sum it up. You and me we have 3 options
A: Play to be friends till we became true friends. (I love this idea seems fun)
B: Keep playing to be enemies… Play alone cuz its booring for me, it will be more like you play to be a bully and I will play bullied, it different so I can play it, for a while. Oh, and if I decide to play enemies, spoilers alert. I will become what you hate most, that way I get to really drive you insane which is very fun (for me).
C: Ignore me. You’ll keep being yourself and I’ll keep being myself. Don’t read my comments; you’ll miss the good stuff and the bad stuff. I’m totally cool with you ignoring me, I usually never talk to you unless is to say hello, as any polite person or to respond to a comment you directly say to me.

Pick your choice and be happy with it.

PD: I though you being friendly to me in chat was you picking option A in response to the mail you were supposed to get when I send it. It seems the messenger toke his time. Which means you and I do think alike in some things, we both know option A is the best for all of us.

Time Posted: September 23 2013 05:23 pm EDT
Last updated: September 24 2013 10:52 am EDT


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