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Admin Mama_DeLicious
Posts: 1,682
Status: Duke

Karma: +402
[+1] [-1]


Subject: Great Hall Application
Looking for active players for Helper and Staff positions.

Make sure you read this entire section before you continue with the application. This application is for all Great Hall positions. All of these applications will be reviewed by Mama D, but there are a few guidelines.

-All applications are to be sent to me. Mama_Delicious [575727]

-Do NOT mail me regarding the status of your application, if you get the position you will know, just because you do not get a response does not mean you do not qualify. If you ask about
your application in any way your application will automatically be disqualified.
-Applications should be filled out as completely and as accurately as possible. Don't lie, just because you may have
been jailed in the past doesn't totally disqualify you from a position, it could have been a simple mistake. Honesty is key.


When are you usually online at the games according to DW1 clock?

Have you ever been jailed in any of OGN games? If that so, please detail in which games, when, how long and why.

Please, complete the following details for each one of the OGN games (just the ones that you have an account in, leave the blank spaces if you don't have an account in that game):

-Dark Warriors – World 1:
---Your ID and current name:
---Your game age:
---Battle Stats:
---Great Hall Experience:
---Clan name and your position (rank or clan’s staff position)

-Dark Warriors – World 2:
---Your ID and current name:
---Your game age:
---Battle Stats:
---Great Hall Experience:
---Clan name and your position (rank or clan’s staff position)

Dark Warriors – World 3:
---Your ID and current name:
---Your game age:
---Battle Stats:
---Great Hall Experience:
---Clan name and your position (rank or clan’s staff position)

-Jurassic Jungle:
---Your ID and current name:
---Your game age:
---Battle Stats:
---Excavation size:
---Excavation level:
---Great Hall Experience:
---Guild name and your position (rank or clan’s staff position)

---Your ID and current name:
---Your game age:
---Battle Stats:
---Great Hall Experience:
---Alliance name and your position (rank or clan’s staff position)

---Your ID and current name:
---Your game age:
---Battle Stats:
---Great Hall Experience:
---Loaf name and your position (rank or clan’s staff position)

---Your ID and current name:
---Your game age:
---Battle Stats:
---Great Hall Experience:
Guild name and your position (rank or clan's staff position)

---Your ID and current name:
---Your game age:
---Battle Stats:
---Great Hall Experience:
Label name and your position (rank and clan's staff position)

Please rank the games in order of how much you play them.

Do you have any past admin/staff experience in any other games besides OGN? Please, mention the games and your position, also if you left what were the reasons you left.


Where do you live?

What languages do you speak? (Please, mark your main language)

How old are you in real life? (Choose 12-17; 18-22; 23-28; 29-34; 35-45; 46 or older)

What do you do for a living?

What interests outside of gaming do you enjoy?

Please, write a brief description about yourself.


Please, write a complete explanation about why you want to be part of the Great Hall.

What do you think your job would entail working in the Great Hall? (Please, write as many details as possible).

What do you expect to gain by becoming a member of the Great Hall?

If you were a Great Hall Member, what would you do in these situations? (please, be as clear and honest as you can):

---Your guild gave a huge loan to a new member, and a few days later, the player quits without paying the debt.

The case was handled by another GH member that decided to close it with a warning. But your clan mates are not happy with the case’s resolution and came to you with an official claim about this issue. What would you do?

---You find out that another GH member, who is in a higher position than yours, probably has a multiple account and is using it to feed his main account. You have the suspicion but you are not totally sure. What would you do?

---You are lurking at the local chat and you see two old players having an explicit sexually aided conversation. You know that both of them are mature people in real life, and there aren't minors around. What would you do?

---Another player sent you a huge amount of gold by mistake. The player doesn't know you at all… he never talked to you, and one day you found the transfer at your logs. He mails you asking for his money back, because he was in a hurry and confused you with someone else. What would you do?

---Your friend tells you that he is sending you a million in gold and asks that you give it to another player. In return he will give you a helix. What do you do?

---You are in chat and you see someone say “my friend logged on to my account and helps me train when I can't log on. What do you do?


Before you submit the application you need to add this to the bottom of your application. Applications that do not have this will not be taken into consideration. Please sign and date the following.

"I have read the guidelines, and I have completed the form as accurately as possible. I also realize that even though I may not get a response regarding my application right away or at all, does not mean that my application was not reviewed."

No Signature

Time Posted: June 25 2013 05:15 pm EDT
Last updated: July 26 2013 05:24 am EDT


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