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Posts: 4,709
Status: Lord

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Subject: I Think...
U've no gut to play without ultra-sub options.

Ur so lazy, so use Lumber Stone in game.

U use Mysterious Cave so that u can hide out ur weakness.

U use Merchant Garment which can protect ur afraidness.

Ur such coward who use Merchant Flag in seafare.

Shame on u that ur the one who complain about the sea battles.

U love to decorate ur dwelling instead of playing.

Ur too greedy when u've seen at Auction house.

U’ve no confidence to challenge jousting.

Ur frightened about ur money so don’t play in gamble.

U stay in special clan where u can b benefited.

Ur mean minded to help newbie.

U always love free stuffs.

U think money can buy anything, so trying to buy special packs.

U’ve low vision power so don't escape from ur closest.

U cann't make ur own way to pursue.

Ur scared to go anywhere alone.

Time Posted: April 26 2013 03:18 pm EDT
Last updated: May 2 2013 11:16 am EDT


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