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Status: Emperor

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Subject: My Voyage to Pebble Dash Island
Before anything else, I wish to thank Mama D for the ticket and for organizing her Happy Hour. Thank you also to Party Host.

My voyage to Pebble Dash Island was well beyond my expectation. At first, I was apprehensive; worried that my stats may not be good enough specially without auto-heal and that I might hit a rock too soon.

Contrary to my apprehension, here is a summary of my memorable voyage... (you can also see the details below).

VOYAGE TIME: about 1 hr 10 minutes (the two revives returned my HP to max).


GOODIES FOUND: 7 red pouches amounting to about 1330 gold, 10 purple pouches amounting to 53 game credits, 10 Fishing (62 snappers, 49 puffer, 112 angelfish, 17 trout, 99 minnow, 41 grunt, 45 eel, 42 stickleback), 1 ash leaf, 3 green pouches amounting to 164 tokens, 3 gray pouches amounting to 66 aletheite and 36 burelia.

BATTLES: fought sea monsters 29 times and the Island King once (and survived).

You Hand Your Ticket To The Guard!

[Enter Vessel]
1. You found a small Red Bag floating on the surface of the water. It contained 182 gold .
2. Nothing
3. You found a small Purple Pouch floating on the surface of the water, you slowly open it up. It contains 2 Game Credits.
4. The sea seems to calm out for a moment so you take your chance to dip your net. You managed to catch 62 Snapper!
5. You found a small Purple Pouch floating on the surface of the water, you slowly open it up. It contains 8 Game Credits.
6. You manage to defeat Sea Serpent.
7. You found a small Red Bag...
8. Nothing
9. The wind blows so strong you can barely see anything, you duck down to avoid to take a breath of air and spot a maple leaf on the floor, you try to catch it but the wind pulls it out of your grasp.
10. The sea seems to calm out for a moment so you take your chance to dip your net. You managed to catch 49 Puffer Fish!
11. Nothing

12. THE AIR FEELS DEATHLY COLD. THE TIDE HAS CHANGED! (All Previously Visited Locations Were Reset)

13. Red bag
14. You manage to defeat the Sea Parasite.
15. Nothing
16. You found a small Green Pouch floating on the surface of the water, you slowly open it up. It contained 58 tokens.
17. Nothing
18. Nothing
19. Nothing
20. Nothing
21. You manage to defeat the Sea Parasite.
22. You manage to defeat the Sea Octopus. You manage to defeat the Sea Squid.
23. Nothing
24. You manage to defeat the Sea Octopus. You manage to defeat the Sea Squid.
25. You found a small Red Bag floating on the surface of the water. It contained 194 gold .
26. Red Bag
27. Red Bag
28. You found a small Purple Pouch floating on the surface of the water, you slowly open it up. It contains 4 Game Credits.
29. Nothing
30. Nothing
31. You found a small Green Pouch floating on the surface of the water, you slowly open it up. It contained 46 tokens.
32. Nothing
33. You manage to defeat the Sea Parasite.
34. The wind blows so strong you can barely see anything, you duck down to avoid to take a breath of air and spot a ash leaf on the floor, you quickly pocket it for later.
35. You found a small Purple Pouch floating on the surface of the water, you slowly open it up. It contains 1 Game Credits.
36. You manage to defeat Sea Serpent.
37. Nothing
38. You manage to defeat the Sea Octopus. You manage to defeat the Sea Squid.
39. You manage to defeat Sea Serpent.
40. The sea seems to calm out for a moment so you take your chance to dip your net. You managed to catch 64 AngelFish!
41. Nothing
42. You manage to defeat Sea Serpent.
43. Red bag
44. You found a small Purple Pouch floating on the surface of the water, you slowly open it up. It contains 9 Game Credits.
45. You manage to defeat Sea Serpent.
46. Nothing
47. You manage to defeat Sea Serpent.
48. You manage to defeat Sea Serpent.
49. The sea seems to calm out for a moment so you take your chance to dip your net. You managed to catch 17 Trout!

50. The battle has reached 100 turns and you are both too tired to continue: SharpMoon has dealt 237,150 damage. Island King has dealt 851 damage.
so...SharpMoon is the winner!
SharpMoon has gained 4715319 EXP and 250 gold. SharpMoons Demon earns 235765 EXP.
The Island King faints from the repeated blows you have given, but it will be back, it is still very strong! You decide to get back into your boat, QUICK!

51. You manage to defeat Sea Serpent.
52. The sea seems to calm out for a moment so you take your chance to dip your net. You managed to catch 99 Minnow!
53. You found a small Gray Pouch floating on the surface of the water, you slowly open it up. It contained 66 altheite.
54. You found a small Gray Pouch floating on the surface of the water, you slowly open it up. It contained 22 burelia.
55. Nothing
56. Nothing
57. You manage to defeat Sea Serpent.
58. The sea seems to calm out for a moment so you take your chance to dip your net. You managed to catch 41 Grunt!
59. Nothing
60. The sea seems to calm out for a moment so you take your chance to dip your net. You managed to catch 45 Eel!
61. The sea seems to calm out for a moment so you take your chance to dip your net. You managed to catch 48 AngelFish!
62. You manage to defeat Sea Serpent.
63. You found a small Purple Pouch floating on the surface of the water, you slowly open it up. It contains 4 Game Credits.

64. THE AIR FEELS DEATHLY COLD. THE TIDE HAS CHANGED! (All Previously Visited Locations Were Reset)

65. You found a small Purple Pouch floating on the surface of the water, you slowly open it up. It contains 3 Game Credits.
66. Nothing
67. Nothing
68. Nothing
69. Nothing
70. Nothing
71. The sea seems to calm out for a moment so you take your chance to dip your net. You managed to catch 32 Stickleback!
72. You manage to defeat Sea Serpent.
73. Nothing
74. You manage to defeat the Sea Parasite.
75. Nothing
76. You found a small Red Bag floating on the surface of the water. It contained 185 gold .
77. You manage to defeat the Sea Octopus. You manage to defeat the Sea Squid.
78. You manage to defeat Sea Serpent.
79. You manage to defeat the Sea Parasite.
80. You manage to defeat Sea Serpent.
81. Nothing
82. Nothing
83. Nothing
84. You manage to defeat the Sea Parasite.
85. You found a small Purple Pouch floating on the surface of the water, you slowly open it up. It contains 10 Game Credits.
86. Nothing
87. You manage to defeat Sea Serpent.
88. Nothing
89. You manage to defeat the Sea Lord.
90. The sea seems to calm out for a moment so you take your chance to dip your net. You managed to catch 10 Stickleback!
91. Nothing
92. Nothing
93. Nothing
94. Nothing
95. Nothing
96. Nothing
97. You found a small Purple Pouch floating on the surface of the water, you slowly open it up. It contains 2 Game Credits.
98. You manage to defeat Sea Serpent.
99. You manage to defeat Sea Serpent.
100. You manage to defeat the Sea Parasite.
101. You found a small Red Bag floating on the surface of the water. It contained 187 gold .
102. You found a small Purple Pouch floating on the surface of the water, you slowly open it up. It contains 10 Game Credits.
103. Nothing
104. You found a small Gray Pouch floating on the surface of the water, you slowly open it up. It contained 14 burelia.
105. You found a small Green Pouch floating on the surface of the water, you slowly open it up. It contained 60 tokens.
106. Nothing
107. You manage to defeat the Sea Octopus. You manage to defeat the Sea Squid.
108. Nothing
109. You boat hit a rock and you woke up on the shore a little dazed! You didn't manage to reach the island this time!

The End

No Signature

Time Posted: January 11 2012 09:17 pm EST
Last updated: January 13 2012 04:01 pm EST


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