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Subject: competiton entry - the student bedsit
thought i would throw this amongst all the other entries.

Student Bedsit.

My room is a single-storey, rather bare, desolate looking room. This is due to a number of reasons!

1. being a student. whilst being a-good-for-nothing student, housework (such as arranging furniture, tidying, washing up, feeding the dragon etc) comes relatively low down on my list of things to do. i prefer to be merry-making with fellow wingmen in the bars/pubs and clubs of the Westland, getting abominably drunk using monies gathered from my student loan/parents/Hi-Lo live, getting to 'know' some of ladyfolk of the Westland and getting into a bit of argie-bargie with some local yobbos in the ven. so after a hard night's partying i like nothing more than to collapse semi-conscious on the stone floor of the dwelling and snore soundly away into the late hours of the next day after the partying. so not only is caring for a dwelling tedious, it's often that i am so inebriated that any housework done by myself would be deemed dangerous!

2. i have a dragon. it is yellow. it gives me gold, tax free. it does need feeding and getting dragon food is not as cheap as dog food let me tell you! it needs to survive on at least 3 to 4 sheep a day and maybe a serf here and add variety to the diet. if i don't feed it, it eats the furniture instead and sits in the corner.

3. being a student and away from home, my prized possessions were packed into a Platinum chest, when i left home for Westland University, which at the moment, still contains all those items...because i can't be bothered to unpack it all. i am far too busy with the day to day hijinks of the Westland. if only there was a serf to do it for me...but being a student, i have more important things to spend my gold on.

4. closed curtains. these keep the sunshine out. after excessive amounts of enjoying your self the previous night, the last thing you need is a wake up call from the light.

5. open curtains. i forgot to pull them shut last night. as a result, i am moody now because i was woken up at the ungodly hour and made to do Ven duty...on my day off!

6. tea set. i own only 1 plate, 1 slightly bent fork and 1 blunt knife. they are in dire need of a wash-up, and being a student, washing up isn't something i participate in on a regular basis, plus i don't have a sink to wash them up in. but like my mother said to me when i was a little nipper, if your pants don't stick to wall, then they can you can get one more day of wear out of them. i use this principle with my eating utensils.

7. Old bed. typically un-made in a typical teenager fashion. i dare not make it anyway, it has become infested with Parasites, which screech and make noises when i try to do anything to it. as a result i find it easier to sleep on the Large Couch, in a true teenager fashion, although the floor is just as comfortable.

8. Large Rectangle Carpet. i picked this up whilst at the Rage Castle Drum n' Bass Convention. i was wearing it like a cape and wrapped myself up in tin foil and pretended i was a warlock from the year 9000.

9. Window. lets light into my humble abode. i'm currently saving to have it bricked up by the Westland Builders Guild.

10. Bowl of Fruit. everyone needs food. however, being a student, i survive on a mostly liquid diet of mead, beer and cider. this bowl of fruit is currently fermenting into home-brew. i shall be taking this to the next Clan get-together.

11. Fancy Wooden Side Table. i won this as a prize at the Westland Bingo Hall.

12. Ruben's Painting. this painting was created by the Great Wizard Ruben, the well-known healer of the Westland and Art professor of Westland University. I am currently an Art student at the university, but i'm more interested in the art of partying than the more traditional form of art.

My Dwelling maybe a 1 roomed, single-storey bedsit but i don't have to pay rent! in fact, it's rather the other way round. which is quite odd. the room pays me to live there! still, who am i to turn down free gold? *puts some more networth into the beer fund*

Time Posted: September 17 2011 02:16 pm EDT
Last updated: September 28 2011 10:28 pm EDT


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