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Subject: Fairyhaunt Woods
Fairyhaunt Woods is in the very center of the Dark Forest. It was given the name ''Fairyhaunt'' due to the amount of magical creatures that readily dwell with in it. There are only two paths leading in and out of the wood. One from the North West, and one from the South West. Once within the wood, a traveler has a choice. Stay on the current path, or break off on to the Spider Path. The Spider Path was given the name because at one point it was the main path that circled the entire forest, and had little trails that branched off. Now, after years of growth that has come over it, it is in contact with only a few paths through the wood. The Arrow of the Lake, is a short path that leads to the lake in the center of the wood. This lake is known as Eeht Revir. No one yet knows what the name means nor the origins of the language that made it. The lake is formed by three rivers that flow in to it. The Brecin River from the west, the Altros River from the north east, and the Wild Rose River from the south east. Ajacent to the Wild Rose River is a wide egg shaped clearing. For the last fifteen years, for what ever reason, no one has been able to enter the clearing. It came as a pity to many natives of the land as they enjoyed sitting among the wild roses. It is now rumored that there is a house, a large manor on the clearing, but no one has been able to get on the clearing to see if this is true or folly. With no path leading to it any longer the Ruins of Arlise have become a thing of the past. But they still exist, waiting for an adventurer to come and explore them. The Lost Path, or Boucan Path as some call it, is the only path in the entire Westlands, let alone much of the Inner Veil, that will move on it's own. One must be careful when walking it, as one minute all is well, and the next the traveler is no longer on a path in the depths of the forest.

Flora and Fauna
Fairyhaunt is a large wilderness comprised of a variety of trees. Everything from pine to oaks, from birch to spruce can be found with in it. Exceedingly large mushrooms are common in the northern half of the wood, along with various types of underbrush. Fruit plants are very common between the Altros and Wild Rose Rivers. Specifically black berry, blue berry, and wild plums, which are in abundance. Along the banks of the Wild Rose River, and at least half a mile out from the banks, wild roses seem to flourish. Hence the naming of the river.

The creatures that live within the wood are no normal creatures. While some rabbits, stoats small birds, larger birds of prey and hunt animals (Deer, wolves, boar etc.) do inhabit the green wood of Fairyhaunt, they are not the main stay animals. The Woods are currently recorded to have two Pooka herds, and the rumor of their cousin the Unicorn having at least one herd. The caves in the southern tier of the forest are reported to house Bugbears by the dozen. Close to the paths live the Trile Fairies. A helpful tribe of fairies who often help lost travelers. The Sprites that live within the forest tend to keep away from humans, for fear of their wickedness. The rarest of the creatures to be seen, even more so than the Unicorns, are the Leprechauns that dwell near the Ruins of Arlise.
However, not all of the creatures are as gentle as the ones just mentioned. In the heart of the northern wood the Boucans happily prey on travelers. Near the Bugbear caves one can find villages of goblins, and their far more vicious relatives. The Knarle Trow.

Time Posted: March 30 2011 08:33 am EDT
Last updated: March 30 2011 08:33 am EDT

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