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Status: Lord

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Subject: Response
I have now said multiple times that there was an imbalance with the previous system as well and that a change did need to occur, but that the change was too drastic. I have never suggested going back to the old system, but suggested a new one. As stated from the beginning my purpose was to find a balance, not to support either imbalance.

While this tactic may work to some degree, when faced with the sheer number of sapphires people have been utilizing already in only the first few days shows that at aprox. 1000 pts a sapphire, the sheer numbers will over shadow even the most dedicated boat sinkers even when combined with their own fishing scores unless they can spend enough themselves to compete. Unlike CBR where elements allow you to kill more but your still not handed points, CPR becomes about how much a clan can spend and not a combination of resources and work. I will concede that I could be wrong and the only way to know for sure is to see just how much people are willing to put into fishing by the end of the month, and if any clan can even come close, and if they do how many times they had to reset their casts themselves would be interesting. However as I have mentioned, the amounts already used and the amounts existing in game make this unlikely without the use of many resets themselves.

This is an interesting thought about the NPC, but NPC have never had any influence over the CBR so I am not yet sure that they would then effect the CPR. If they did I do not believe I would support this either as there would then be an unlimited source of points for sinking and an imbalance would still exist the opposite way it does now unless the NPC where pretty rare to come across or worth different, much lower points then when sinking players. However, as interesting as this thought is, it still doesnt solve the current imbalance and there is no way to tell if/when an update including sea based NPC will be introduced.

Time Posted: February 5 2011 06:31 am EST
Last updated: February 5 2011 04:21 pm EST


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