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Posts: 795
Status: Earl

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Subject: Going the long way
The air smells like dust and theres many other warriors sat around smoking. The whole room is covered wall to wall with large boards of slate with chalk numbers spread across. As you look a little closer you try read what they say but a hand is pushed in your way...

Kronk: Eh laddie, if you want to see the local market updates you need to pay the fee or get outta my shop!

[Pay Kronk] (28,000 Gold )
[Tell Kronk Where He Can Shove It]
[Eughh Nevermind...]

The_Butcher vs. Kronk
1. Kronk creates a triangle with his arms as a giant green glow comes from within. Kronk's rage is building. 2015 damage was ripped from The_Butcher. Kronk also gained 150 agility. [38058 left]
2. The_Butcher blends with the air and becomes a psychotic fog. Kronk inhales the colorful mist and is struck by fate! 1796, 1830, 1789, 1828, 1700, 1702 damage inflicted!
Kronk was trapped in a white web! [489355 left]
3. Kronk brushed off the white web.
4. The_Butcher blends with the air and becomes a psychotic fog. Kronk inhales the colorful mist and is struck by fate! 1838, 1774, 1838, 1730, 1832, 1817 damage inflicted! The_Butcher inhaled some black wind. Opponents Agility was decreased by 10906, your agility was boosted by 5453! [478526 left]
5. Kronk creates a triangle with his arms as a giant green glow comes from within. The triangle quickly faded and the attack missed! [38058 left]
6. Kronk creates a triangle with his arms as a giant green glow comes from within. Kronk's rage is building. 1935 damage was ripped from The_Butcher. Kronk also gained 129 agility. [36123 left]
7. The_Butcher blends with the air and becomes a psychotic fog. Kronk inhales the colorful mist and is struck by fate! 1838, 1832, 1774, 1743, 1732, 1838 damage inflicted!
Kronk was trapped in a white web! [467769 left]
8. Kronk brushed off the white web.
9. The_Butcher blends with the air and becomes a psychotic fog. Kronk inhales the colorful mist and is struck by fate! 1838, 1830, 1777, 1838, 1838, 1760 damage inflicted!
Kronk was trapped in a white web! [456888 left]
10. The_Butcher blends with the air and becomes a psychotic fog. Kronk inhales the colorful mist and is struck by fate! 1764, 1762, 1774, 1743, 1772, 1830 damage inflicted! The_Butcher inhaled some black wind. Opponents Agility was decreased by 6621, your agility was boosted by 3311! [446243 left]
11. Kronk brushed off the white web.
12. The_Butcher blends with the air and becomes a psychotic fog. Kronk inhales the colorful mist and is struck by fate! 1789, 1838, 1679, 1745, 1694, 1772 damage inflicted! The_Butcher inhaled some black wind. Opponents Agility was decreased by 3973, your agility was boosted by 1987! [435726 left]
13. Kronk creates a triangle with his arms as a giant green glow comes from within. Kronk's rage is building. 1780 damage was ripped from The_Butcher. Kronk also gained 130 agility. [34343 left]
14. The_Butcher blends with the air and becomes a psychotic fog. Kronk inhales the colorful mist and is struck by fate! 1685, 1817, 1723, 1749, 1815, 1838 damage inflicted! The_Butcher inhaled some black wind. Opponents Agility was decreased by 2462, your agility was boosted by 1231! [425099 left]
15. The_Butcher blends with the air and becomes a psychotic fog. Kronk inhales the colorful mist and is struck by fate! 1702, 1806, 1785, 1811, 1838, 1666 damage inflicted!
Kronk was trapped in a white web! [414491 left]
16. Kronk brushed off the white web.
17. The_Butcher blends with the air and becomes a psychotic fog. Kronk inhales the colorful mist and is struck by fate! 1806, 1800, 1838, 1785, 1696, 1838 damage inflicted!
Kronk was trapped in a white web! [403728 left]
18. The_Butcher blends with the air and becomes a psychotic fog. Kronk inhales the colorful mist and is struck by fate! 1834, 1838, 1836, 1789, 1838, 1838 damage inflicted!
Kronk was trapped in a white web! [392755 left]
19. Kronk brushed off the white web.
20. The_Butcher blends with the air and becomes a psychotic fog. Kronk inhales the colorful mist and is struck by fate! 1668, 1723, 1749, 1772, 1734, 1838 damage inflicted!
Kronk was trapped in a white web! [382271 left]
21. The_Butcher blends with the air and becomes a psychotic fog. Kronk inhales the colorful mist and is struck by fate! 1772, 1794, 1755, 1838, 1751, 1772 damage inflicted! The_Butcher inhaled some black wind. Opponents Agility was decreased by 1477, your agility was boosted by 739! [371589 left]
22. Kronk brushed off the white web.
23. The_Butcher blends with the air and becomes a psychotic fog. Kronk inhales the colorful mist and is struck by fate! 1747, 1751, 1706, 1800, 1836, 1706 damage inflicted! The_Butcher inhaled some black wind. Opponents Agility was decreased by 886, your agility was boosted by 443! [361043 left]
24. Kronk creates a triangle with his arms as a giant green glow comes from within. Kronk's rage is building. 1764 damage was ripped from The_Butcher. Kronk also gained 43 agility. [32579 left]
25. The_Butcher blends with the air and becomes a psychotic fog. Kronk inhales the colorful mist and is struck by fate! 1704, 1838, 1679, 1747, 1823, 1821 damage inflicted! The_Butcher inhaled some black wind. Opponents Agility was decreased by 557, your agility was boosted by 279! [350431 left]
26. The_Butcher blends with the air and becomes a psychotic fog. Kronk inhales the colorful mist and is struck by fate! 1723, 1804, 1770, 1817, 1770, 1838 damage inflicted!
Kronk was trapped in a white web! [339709 left]
27. Kronk brushed off the white web.
28. The_Butcher blends with the air and becomes a psychotic fog. Kronk inhales the colorful mist and is struck by fate! 1698, 1766, 1823, 1770, 1838, 1832 damage inflicted! The_Butcher inhaled some black wind. Opponents Agility was decreased by 334, your agility was boosted by 167! [328982 left]
29. The_Butcher blends with the air and becomes a psychotic fog. Kronk inhales the colorful mist and is struck by fate! 1696, 1738, 1723, 1768, 1821, 1838 damage inflicted! The_Butcher inhaled some black wind. Opponents Agility was decreased by 200, your agility was boosted by 100! [318398 left]
30. Kronk attacks The_Butcher for 1242 damage! [31337 left]
31. The_Butcher raises his arms as a giant purple cloud splits the sky above and a flock of demons rushes in! 896, 908, 908, 908, 908, 880, 908, 908, 866, 908, 862, 908, 908, 896, 908, 904, 872, 908, 882, 892 damage inflicted! [300460 left]
32. The_Butcher blends with the air and becomes a psychotic fog. Kronk inhales the colorful mist and is struck by fate! 1766, 1774, 1730, 1838, 1825, 1825 damage inflicted!
Kronk was trapped in a white web! [289702 left]
33. Kronk brushed off the white web.
34. The_Butcher raises his arms as a giant purple cloud splits the sky above and a flock of demons rushes in! 886, 908, 898, 908, 874, 868, 856, 862, 894, 908, 888, 892, 908, 882, 908, 856, 908, 908, 880, 906 damage inflicted! [271904 left]
35. The_Butcher raises his arms as a giant purple cloud splits the sky above and a flock of demons rushes in! but the attack missed! [271904 left]
36. Kronk attacks The_Butcher for 1222 damage! [30115 left]
37. The_Butcher raises his arms as a giant purple cloud splits the sky above and a flock of demons rushes in! 908, 856, 878, 882, 872, 868, 908, 908, 908, 864, 908, 908, 908, 856, 908, 908, 900, 872, 908, 874 damage inflicted! [254102 left]
38. The_Butcher raises his arms as a giant purple cloud splits the sky above and a flock of demons rushes in! 906, 862, 864, 858, 890, 882, 900, 884, 908, 886, 908, 872, 906, 898, 896, 908, 874, 908, 908, 890 damage inflicted! [236294 left]
39. Kronk attacks The_Butcher for 1332 damage! [28783 left]
40. The_Butcher raises his arms as a giant purple cloud splits the sky above and a flock of demons rushes in! 866, 872, 908, 908, 908, 856, 908, 908, 908, 908, 896, 908, 908, 894, 862, 908, 908, 908, 908, 908 damage inflicted! [218336 left]
41. The_Butcher raises his arms as a giant purple cloud splits the sky above and a flock of demons rushes in! but the attack missed! [218336 left]
42. Kronk attacks The_Butcher for 1224 damage! [27559 left]
43. The_Butcher raises his arms as a giant purple cloud splits the sky above and a flock of demons rushes in! 908, 864, 908, 908, 904, 874, 858, 908, 908, 858, 858, 908, 898, 908, 856, 908, 908, 908, 882, 908 damage inflicted! [200496 left]
44. Kronk attacks The_Butcher for 1333 damage! [26226 left]
45. The_Butcher raises his arms as a giant purple cloud splits the sky above and a flock of demons rushes in! but the attack missed! [200496 left]
46. The_Butcher raises his arms as a giant purple cloud splits the sky above and a flock of demons rushes in! 908, 864, 886, 858, 892, 908, 856, 908, 908, 908, 908, 908, 908, 908, 908, 908, 900, 860, 878, 894 damage inflicted! [182620 left]
47. Kronk attacks The_Butcher for 1338 damage! [24888 left]
48. The_Butcher blends with the air and becomes a black fog. Kronk inhales the thick mist and is struck by fate! 1546, 1515, 1646, 1665, 1646, 1659 damage inflicted!
Kronk was trapped in a white web! [172943 left]
49. The_Butcher blends with the air and becomes a psychotic fog. Kronk inhales the colorful mist and is struck by fate! 1838, 1838, 1830, 1662, 1683, 1825 damage inflicted!
Kronk was trapped in a white web! [162267 left]
50. Kronk brushed off the white web.
51. The_Butcher raises his arms as a giant purple cloud splits the sky above and a flock of demons rushes in! 908, 908, 872, 856, 896, 870, 872, 870, 892, 906, 908, 908, 866, 862, 908, 908, 894, 886, 908, 908 damage inflicted! [144461 left]
52. The_Butcher raises his arms as a giant purple cloud splits the sky above and a flock of demons rushes in! 908, 868, 874, 874, 908, 908, 880, 896, 908, 908, 856, 856, 906, 908, 904, 908, 908, 908, 908, 860 damage inflicted! [126607 left]
53. Kronk attacks The_Butcher for 1257 damage! [23631 left]
54. The_Butcher raises his arms as a giant purple cloud splits the sky above and a flock of demons rushes in! but the attack missed! [126607 left]
55. The_Butcher raises his arms as a giant purple cloud splits the sky above and a flock of demons rushes in! 880, 908, 908, 908, 872, 866, 870, 908, 876, 908, 896, 908, 908, 908, 908, 858, 886, 908, 892, 870 damage inflicted! [108761 left]
56. Kronk attacks The_Butcher for 1316 damage! [22315 left]
57. The_Butcher raises his arms as a giant purple cloud splits the sky above and a flock of demons rushes in! 886, 908, 902, 876, 908, 880, 866, 904, 908, 908, 908, 908, 872, 908, 908, 908, 888, 884, 908, 908 damage inflicted! [90815 left]
58. The_Butcher raises his arms as a giant purple cloud splits the sky above and a flock of demons rushes in! but the attack missed! [90815 left]
59. Kronk attacks The_Butcher for 1305 damage! [21010 left]
60. The_Butcher raises his arms as a giant purple cloud splits the sky above and a flock of demons rushes in! 858, 900, 890, 908, 908, 908, 908, 890, 908, 868, 908, 904, 908, 908, 868, 908, 908, 890, 890, 868 damage inflicted! [72909 left]
61. The_Butcher raises his arms as a giant purple cloud splits the sky above and a flock of demons rushes in! 884, 908, 908, 908, 908, 894, 874, 908, 868, 882, 876, 908, 894, 906, 908, 908, 908, 908, 908, 908 damage inflicted! [54935 left]
62. Kronk attacks The_Butcher for 1247 damage! [19763 left]
63. The_Butcher blends with the air and becomes a psychotic fog. Kronk inhales the colorful mist and is struck by fate! 1764, 1753, 1804, 1823, 1789, 1751 damage inflicted! The_Butcher inhaled some black wind. Opponents Agility was decreased by 120, your agility was boosted by 60! [44251 left]
64. The_Butcher blends with the air and becomes a psychotic fog. Kronk inhales the colorful mist and is struck by fate! 1768, 1838, 1785, 1715, 1806, 1838 damage inflicted!
Kronk was trapped in a white web! [33501 left]
65. Kronk brushed off the white web.
66. The_Butcher raises his arms as a giant purple cloud splits the sky above and a flock of demons rushes in! but the attack missed! [33501 left]
67. The_Butcher raises his arms as a giant purple cloud splits the sky above and a flock of demons rushes in! 908, 864, 908, 892, 908, 908, 908, 866, 894, 908, 904, 892, 908, 898, 864, 878, 866, 908, 908, 858 damage inflicted! [15653 left]
68. Kronk attacks The_Butcher for 1226 damage! [18537 left]
69. The_Butcher raises his arms as a giant purple cloud splits the sky above and a flock of demons rushes in! 908, 856, 908, 908, 874, 872, 908, 908, 908, 860, 866, 862, 908, 892, 874, 908, 908, 908, 858, 902 damage inflicted! [DEAD]

The_Butcher is the winner!
The_Butcher has gained 4076 EXP and 250 gold.
Fun House has taxed 1223 EXP, leaving The_Butcher with 2853 EXP.
Fun House has taxed 225 gold, leaving The_Butcher with 25 gold.

After beating Kronk, you turn to the pain warrior and stand, arms raised in the air as the other members of the market cafe pours chants of your name. You also managed to steal a 5 day pass!

Time Posted: December 5 2010 03:01 am EST
Last updated: December 5 2010 04:50 am EST


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