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Subject: :) y like jiraiya
Yea, me to, Edulahin is a crazzy misk betwen Jack Sparrow, Prince of Percia, Assassin Creed and the Great Jiraiya. Wen I sow Jiraia runing from Pain whit that funny face and runin like a madman praying LOL I said, that 's Edulahin on the run.

Edulahin can't take no thing to serious, only when he have to kill some one, is a verry unmature old character. That why he is allways geting in trouble whit his friends (mostly for bad jokes) and runnin away from them like this.

Now try to picture that running stile whit the back groud song of JET, "Are you Gona Be my Girl"

Time Posted: October 19 2010 10:36 am EDT
Last updated: October 19 2010 10:36 am EDT

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